Analysis View Table

Specifies how you want to analyze the dimension information that you have posted on general ledger entries, budgets and so on. By using analysis views, you can retrieve information about dimensions according to the criteria you set. You can then investigate trends and analyze relationships based on the dimension information that you have posted.

For each analysis view, you can specify up to four dimensions, as well as specify criteria for G/L accounts, dates and business units. You can also set filters on dimensions not included in the analysis view, by clicking Analysis, Filters on the analysis view card. Different analysis views can therefore be created for different purposes. For example, you can have an analysis view relating to sales in a particular area for a particular time period. When you create an analysis view you must update it by clicking Actions, Update on the analysis view card or by using the Update Analysis Views. The program will then gather only G/L entries that fulfill the dimensions criteria and other filters set by you.

This dimension information can be viewed and analyzed in the Analysis by Dimensions window, where you can see a matrix window with axes defined by you. By redefining the axes and using filters, you can create a highly specific breakdown of how dimensions have been posted and what relationships exist between dimensions.


If you have not placed a check mark in the Update on Posting field, you must click Actions, Update or use Update Analysis Views batch job to ensure that an analysis view has been updated with the most recent posted entries.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Update on Posting Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Include Budgets Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Date Compression Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Calendar Source Field, Analysis View Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Refresh When Unblocked Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Business Unit Filter Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Entry No. Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Account Filter Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Historic G/L Account Filter Field, Analysis View Table Spain Local Functionality
Name Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Date Updated Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Budget Entry No. Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 4 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Account Source Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Starting Date Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 1 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 2 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 3 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Update on Posting Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 4 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Include Budgets Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Account Source Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Starting Date Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Date Compression Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Refresh When Unblocked Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Business Unit Filter Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Entry No. Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Account Filter Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Name Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 1 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Date Updated Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 2 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Last Budget Entry No. Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Dimension 3 Code Field, Analysis View Table General Ledger
Calendar Source Field, Analysis View Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Historic G/L Account Filter Field, Analysis View Table Spain Local Functionality

See Also


Analysis by Dimensions
Update on Posting

Other Resources

Update Analysis Views
How to: Set Up Analysis Views
Update Analysis Views