Location Table

Specifies information about your locations, such as example, warehouses, and distribution centers.

You can keep track of items in different locations using the Location table. Each location has a name as well as a code representing the name. You use the table to assign a code to a location name. You can then enter the code in location code fields elsewhere in the program, for example, on purchase or sales document lines. This will then record the transactions for the location when you post.

You must set up a Location card and Location code for each warehouse location or distribution center location. When you record increases or decreases in inventory, you enter the code for the relevant location. Then you can always see where specific items are in stock.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Composition Type Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
T.C.A.N. No. Field, Location Table India Income Tax
C.S.T No. Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
Phone No. 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Testing Location Field, Location Table India Excise
Composition Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
Export or Deemed Export Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Location Table India Service Tax
State Code Field, Location Table India Income Tax
T.I.N. No. Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
Inbound Whse. Handling Time Field, Location Table Inventory
Address Field, Location Table Inventory
Input Service Distributor Field, Location Table India Service Tax
E-Mail Field, Location Table Inventory
L.S.T. No. Field, Location Table India Sales Tax
Fax No. Field, Location Table Inventory
C.E. Commissionerate Field, Location Table India Excise
Phone No. Field, Location Table Inventory
Telex No. Field, Location Table Inventory
To-Assembly Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Branch No. Field, Location Table Belgium Local Functionality
Default Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Base Calendar Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Provincial Tax Area Code Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Trading Location Field, Location Table India Excise
T.A.N. No. Field, Location Table India Income Tax
City Field, Location Table Inventory
E.C.C. No. Field, Location Table India Excise
Address 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Use Cross-Docking Field, Location Table Inventory
Tax Area Code Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Transfer Receipt Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Purch. Rcpt. Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Require Shipment Field, Location Table Inventory
Sales Shpt. Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Location Table India Excise
Sale Cr. Memo Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Sales Invoice Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Name Field, Location Table Inventory
Require Put-away Field, Location Table Inventory
Post Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Sales Invoice Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Purch Cr. Memo Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Tax Exemption No. Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Do Not Use For Tax Calculation Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
County Field, Location Table Inventory
Posted Serv. Shipment Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Name 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Cross-Dock Due Date Calc. Field, Location Table Inventory
Home Page Field, Location Table Inventory
Outbound Whse. Handling Time Field, Location Table Inventory
Posted Serv. Cr. Memo Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
C.E. Range Field, Location Table India Excise
Subcontractor No. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Country/Region Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Sales Credit Memo Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Subcontracting Location Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Asm.-to-Order Shpt. Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Serv. Invoice Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Purh. Invoice Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Posted Serv. Invoice Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
C.E. Division Field, Location Table India Excise
Serv. Cr. Memo Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Code Field, Location Table Inventory
From-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Bin Mandatory Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Pick According to FEFO Field, Location Table Inventory
Purch. Receipt Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Require Receive Field, Location Table Inventory
Allow Breakbulk Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Require Pick Field, Location Table Inventory
Put-away Template Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Transfer Shipment Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
To-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Receipt Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Contact Field, Location Table Inventory
Purch. Invoice Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
From-Assembly Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Use As In-Transit Field, Location Table Inventory
Use Put-away Worksheet Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Directed Put-away and Pick Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Always Create Pick Line Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Special Equipment Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Purch. Credit Memo Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Sales Ret Rcpt Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Always Create Put-away Line Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Purch. Ret. Shipment Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Sales Shipment Nos. (Captive) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Bin Capacity Policy Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Use ADCS Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shipment Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Sales Shipment Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Cross-Dock Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Purch. Ret Shpt Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Adjustment Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Default Bin Selection Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Sales Return Receipt Nos. Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Open Shop Floor Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Serv. Shipment Nos. (Trading) Field, Location Table India Local Functionality
Last Goods Report Date Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Responsible Employee No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Last Goods Report No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Last Goods Report Date Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Responsible Employee No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Last Goods Report No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
From-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Bin Mandatory Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Allow Breakbulk Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Put-away Template Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
To-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Receipt Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Use Put-away Worksheet Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Directed Put-away and Pick Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Always Create Pick Line Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Special Equipment Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Always Create Put-away Line Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Branch No. Field, Location Table Belgium Local Functionality
Bin Capacity Policy Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Use ADCS Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shipment Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Cross-Dock Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Adjustment Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Default Bin Selection Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
Open Shop Floor Bin Code Field, Location Table Warehouse Management Systems
From-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Bin Mandatory Field, Location Table Inventory
Phone No. 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Allow Breakbulk Field, Location Table Inventory
Inbound Whse. Handling Time Field, Location Table Inventory
Address Field, Location Table Inventory
Put-away Template Code Field, Location Table Inventory
To-Production Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Receipt Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
E-Mail Field, Location Table Inventory
Fax No. Field, Location Table Inventory
Use Put-away Worksheet Field, Location Table Inventory
Directed Put-away and Pick Field, Location Table Inventory
Always Create Pick Line Field, Location Table Inventory
Phone No. Field, Location Table Inventory
Special Equipment Field, Location Table Inventory
Telex No. Field, Location Table Inventory
To-Assembly Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Default Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Always Create Put-away Line Field, Location Table Inventory
Base Calendar Code Field, Location Table Inventory
City Field, Location Table Inventory
Address 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Use Cross-Docking Field, Location Table Inventory
Require Shipment Field, Location Table Inventory
Name Field, Location Table Inventory
Require Put-away Field, Location Table Inventory
Post Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Bin Capacity Policy Field, Location Table Inventory
Use ADCS Field, Location Table Inventory
County Field, Location Table Inventory
Shipment Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Name 2 Field, Location Table Inventory
Cross-Dock Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Cross-Dock Due Date Calc. Field, Location Table Inventory
Home Page Field, Location Table Inventory
Outbound Whse. Handling Time Field, Location Table Inventory
Country/Region Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Adjustment Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Default Bin Selection Field, Location Table Inventory
Asm.-to-Order Shpt. Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Pick According to FEFO Field, Location Table Inventory
Require Receive Field, Location Table Inventory
Require Pick Field, Location Table Inventory
Contact Field, Location Table Inventory
From-Assembly Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Use As In-Transit Field, Location Table Inventory
Open Shop Floor Bin Code Field, Location Table Inventory
Provincial Tax Area Code Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Area Code Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Exemption No. Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Do Not Use For Tax Calculation Field, Location Table United States Local Functionality
Last Goods Report Date Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Responsible Employee No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality
Last Goods Report No. Field, Location Table Russia Local Functionality

See Also


Location List