How to: Post Prepaid Contract Entries

If you work with prepaid service contracts, you must regularly post prepaid contract entries, thereby transferring the prepaid payments from the prepaid contract accounts to the regular contract accounts.

Before you can post prepaid contract entries, you must specify a number series in the Prepaid Posting Document Nos. field in the Service Mgt. Setup window.

To post prepaid contract entries

  1. In the Search box, enter Post Prepaid Contract Entries, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Service Ledger Entry FastTab, enter the filters you want to apply.

  3. On the Options FastTab, in the Post until Date field, enter a date. The batch job posts prepaid service ledger entries with posting dates up to this date.

  4. In the Posting Date field, enter the date you want to use as the posting date on the general journal line.

  5. In the Action field, select Post Prepaid Transactions.

  6. Choose the OK button to post the entries.

See Also


Service Management Setup

Other Resources

Service Mgt. Setup