LSV Journal Table

Specifies the LSV journal information that is used to prepare payments from LSV customers to be registered in the Cash Receipt Journal window.

Each collection is registered on a line in the LSV journal.

The LSV journal is also used as starting point to write the LSV file or print the collection order.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
LSV Bank Code Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
No. Of Entries Plus Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
LSV Journal Description Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Amount Plus Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
LSV Status Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
No. Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Collection Completed On Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
File Written On Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Credit Date Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
No. Of Entries Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
DebitDirect Orderno. Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Amount Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Collection Completed By Field, LSV Journal Table Switzerland Local Functionality

See Also


Swiss Electronic Payments Using LSV+
Swiss Electronic Payments Using ESR