Get File Structure Batch Job

Specifies how the structure of the file to be processed will help you prefill the lines on the Column Definitions FastTab in the Data Exchange Definition window when you choose the Get File Structure button. For more information, see How to: Set Up Data Exchange Definitions.


Option Description

File Type

Specify the file type whose structure will be reused to fill the Data Column Definitions FastTab. The following file types are supported:

  • XML

  • Json


Specify the path or URL of the file that will be processed with this data exchange definition.

Data Exch. Def. Code

Shows the data exchange definition for the file that will be processed.

Line Definition Code

Shows the value in the Code field on the Line Definitions FastTab.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Data Exchange Definition

Other Resources

Electronic Documents and Other Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Business Functionality