Alternative Address Table

Contains an employee's alternative address for use when the employee has temporarily relocated. This could be the case if they are at a summer home or are stationed abroad for a period of time.

Alternative addresses are set up for each employee on the employee's card, Alternative Addresses. The program will display a card where you can enter the alternative address for the employee.

The Alternative Address table can contain several alternative addresses for each employee. A code representing the alternative address information is linked to each address.

You assign an alternative address to an employee on the employee's card in the Alt. Address Code field. There are also two date fields on the employee's card where you can specify a time period for which the alternative address is valid.

The alternative address feature can be useful when you are making mailing labels for all the employees in the company.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Fax No. Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Address 2 Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Post Code Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Code Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Phone No. Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Name 2 Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Employee No. Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Name Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
City Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Address Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Comment Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
Country/Region Code Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
E-Mail Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources
County Field, Alternative Address Table Human Resources

See Also

Other Resources

How to: Assign Alternative Addresses