Tax Area Table

Specifies tax areas for customers or vendors. Tax areas represent combinations of tax jurisdictions.

Because most locations are taxed by more than one tax authority, this table lets you combine different authorities into a tax area that will include all the necessary tax authorities.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Code Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Country Field, Tax Area Table United States Local Functionality
Round Tax Field, Tax Area Table United States Local Functionality
Use External Tax Engine Field, Tax Area Table United States Local Functionality
Code Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Code Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Code Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Area Table General Ledger

See Also


Tax Area Line