VAT Product Posting Groups Window

Specifies VAT product posting groups. The VAT product group codes determine calculation and posting of VAT according to the type of item being purchased or the type of item or resource being sold.

The number of VAT product posting groups you need is determined by the way items and resources are taxed. One example could be differentiated VAT, with 10% for food and 15% for nonfood items.

The window contains a line for each posting group.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


VAT Product Posting Group

Other Resources

About Posting Groups
How to: Assign VAT Product Posting Groups to Item Accounts and Resource Accounts
How to: Set Up Codes for Import VAT
How to: Set Up Default VAT Product Posting Groups
How to: Assign VAT Posting Groups to General Ledger Accounts
How to: Set up VAT [gl_m]
How to: Set Up VAT Product Posting Groups