Service Invoice Line Table

Specifies the service costs on a posted service invoice. These include costs of spare parts (items), resource hours and general costs, as well as item quantity and unit price, discount and tax percentage, etc. The data are used on the lines of the posted service invoice.

Within a service invoice, service invoice lines are linked to a service invoice header containing the general information about a posted invoice (customer, payment terms, response time, and so on).

The program copies the information from the Service Line table when you post a service order or a service invoice. You cannot change any of the fields on the service invoice lines because the invoice has already been posted.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Deductible % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Service Tax eCess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
Excise Base Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Service Tax Base Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
EC Difference Field, Service Invoice Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Pmt. Disc. Given Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Service Tax Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
Excise Accounting Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Service Tax Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Tax
Tax % Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Excise Base Quantity Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
eCess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Tax Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
CVD Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Form Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Tax Base Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Amount Including Excise Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Amount Added to Excise Base Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
ADE Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Custom eCess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Transaction Specification Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Excise Effective Rate Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Symptom Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Quantity Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
EC % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Unit Price Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Warranty Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Service Tariff No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
CESS Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Excise Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Excise
Charges To Customer Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
State Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Document No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Quantity (Base) Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Include in VAT Transac. Rep. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Description Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
NCCD Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Service Item Line Description Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Line Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Identifier Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Source Document No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Net Weight Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Service Item Serial No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Line No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Amount Added to Tax Base Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Form No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Supplementary Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Standard Deduction Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Customer No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Shipment Line No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
BCD Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Tax Area Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Appl.-to Item Entry Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Warranty Disc. % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
BED Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
SED Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Allow Invoice Disc. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Exit Point Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Product Group Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Substitution Available Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Quantity Consumed Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Amount Including Tax Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
VAT Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Line Discount % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Standard Deduction % Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Needed by Date Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Transaction Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Service Item No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
SAED Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
System-Created Entry Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Amount To Customer Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
CIF Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
ADET Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Fault Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Exclude Contract Discount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Nonstock Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Replaced Item Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Source Document Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Free Supply Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
VAT % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Assessable Value Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Resolution Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Tax Liable Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Contract No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table India Local Functionality
Allow Line Disc. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Qty. Consumed (Base) Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Unit of Measure Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Unit Volume Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Work Type Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Fault Reason Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Inv. Discount Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Tax Group Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Price Adjmt. Status Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Copy Components From Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Unit of Measure Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Appl.-to Service Entry Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Ship-to Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Unit Cost (LCY) Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Line Discount Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Customer Disc. Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Difference Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Attached to Line No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Component Line No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Shipment No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Description 2 Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Customer Price Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Base Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Variant Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Dimension Set ID Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Contract Disc. % Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Responsibility Center Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Fault Area Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Spare Part Action Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Transport Method Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Return Reason Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Bill-to Customer No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Calculation Type Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Posting Date Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Area Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Bin Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Line Discount Amount Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Service Item Line No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Location Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Service Price Group Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Replaced Item No. Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Units per Parcel Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Exclude Warranty Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Item Category Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Amount Including VAT Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Gross Weight Field, Service Invoice Line Table Service Management
Account Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Service Invoice Line Table Denmark Local Functionality

See Also


Posted Service Invoice Lines