VAT Plafond Period Table

Specifies VAT plafond amounts by year.

Additional Information

Businesses in Italy that frequently engage in resale activities outside the country/region can be exempt from VAT under a plafond arrangement. This arrangement is possible when you sell to a company inside the European Union (EU) and their export business is over 10 percent of their total revenue.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Date Filter Field, VAT Plafond Period Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Amount Field, VAT Plafond Period Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Calculated Amount Field, VAT Plafond Period Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Year Field, VAT Plafond Period Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows

See Also


How to: Prepare for VAT Transactions Reports


VAT Plafond Periods
VAT Plafond Period

Other Resources

How to: Record VAT
How to: Define VAT Statements