VAT Exemption Register Report

Shows a detailed list of customer and vendor VAT exemptions.

A VAT exemption is allowed when you sell a product to a company that is outside the European Union (EU). You can also use a VAT exemption when you sell to a company inside the EU if their export business is over 10 percent of their total revenue.

VAT exemptions are issued for a specified period of time and have unique registry numbers.


Field Description

Report Type

Select the type of report you want to print. The options include Test Print, Final Print, and Reprint.

Starting Page

Enter the starting page number for the report.

Starting Date

Enter the start date for the report.

Ending Date

Enter the end date for the report.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


VAT Exemptions

Other Resources

Set Up VAT
How to: Record VAT
How to: Define VAT Statements
Calc. and Post VAT Settlement