Vendor Pmt. Address Table

Use this table to configure the vendors' payment address. If necessary, you can configure more than one payment address per vendor.

To access the Vendor payment address window, select the vendor's card, click Vendor and select Payment Address.

Press F3 in this window if you wish to configure a new vendor address and enter the information.

To access the List of vendor payment addresses window, click the Address button at the bottom of the window and select List (F5).

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Fax No. Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Telex No. Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Name Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Name 2 Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Phone No. Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Vendor No. Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
E-Mail Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Telex Answer Back Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
County Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Last Date Modified Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Address Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Code Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
City Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Post Code Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Country/Region Code Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Address 2 Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Contact Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality
Home Page Field, Vendor Pmt. Address Table Spain Local Functionality