ROUND Function (Decimal)

Rounds the value of a numeric variable.


NewNumber := ROUND(Number [, Precision] [, Direction])  


Type: Decimal

The number that you want to round.

Type: Decimal

This optional parameter determines the precision used when rounding. If you do not specify a Precision parameter, then the following steps are used to specify the precision:

  1. The function ReadRounding in Codeunit 1, Application Management, is called. ReadRounding returns a decimal value that is the precision. By default, the ReadRounding function returns the Amount Rounding Precision field from the GLSetup table.

  2. If you have customized Codeunit 1 and it does not implement the ReadRounding function, then the precision is specified as 2 digits after the decimal.

Type: Text or Code

This optional parameter specifies how to round the Number parameter. The default rounding method is '='. The following are the options for rounding:

  • '=' rounds up or down to the nearest value (default). Values of 5 or greater are rounded up. Values less than 5 are rounded down.

  • '>' rounds up

  • '<' rounds down

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Decimal

The rounded result.


This example shows how to use the ROUND function. This example requires that you create the following variables and text constant in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType
DecimalToRound Decimal
Direction Text
Precision Decimal
Result Decimal
Text Constant ENU Value
Text000 ROUND(%1, %2, %3) returns %4.
DecimalToRound := 1234.56789;  
Direction := '>';  
Precision := 0.001;  
Result := ROUND(DecimalToRound, Precision, Direction);  
MESSAGE(Text000, Format(DecimalToRound,0,1), Precision, Direction, Result);  

On a computer that has the regional format set to English (United States), the message window displays the following:

ROUND(1234.56789, 0.001, '>') returns 1,234.568

The following table displays some additional ROUND examples.

Number Precision Direction Rounded number
1234.56789 100 = 1200
1234.56789 0.1 = 1234.6
1234.56789 0.001 = 1234.568
1234.56789 0.001 < 1234.567
1234.56789 0.001 > 1234.568
-1234.56789 100 = -1200
-1234.56789 0.1 = -1234.6
-1234.56789 0.001 = -1234.568
-1234.56789 0.001 < -1234.567
-1234.56789 0.001 > -1234.568

When you round down ('<') a negative number, such as -1234.56789, it is rounded down to -1234.567. However, -1234.567 is a mathematically greater value than -1234.56789.

When you round up ('>') a negative number, such as -1234.56789, it is rounded up to -1234.568. However, -1234.568 is a mathematically smaller value than -1234.56789.

See Also

ABS Function (Decimal, Integer, BigInteger)
POWER Function (Decimal, Integer, BigInteger)
RANDOM Function (Integer)
RANDOMIZE Function (Integer)