The AspTrackThreadingModel property specifies whether IIS checks the threading model of any components (COM objects) that your application creates. The preferred setting of this metabase property is false.
If AspTrackThreadingModel is set to true the following conditions apply:
ASP uses system resources to track the threading model, reducing the performance of your ASP application.
Objects that are created in your ASP application outside of the OnStartPage or OnEndPage method are released earlier than expected, which causes a degradation in the scalability of your application and can prevent your component from writing to the response in the object destructor method.
If this property is set to false, and you give application scope to components that you create, those components must aggregate the free-threaded marshaler. If you do not aggregate the free-threaded marshaler, ASP generates an error when you try to create an instance of the component. For more information, see Selecting a Threading Model for Components in IIS in the Platform SDK.
This property is a process-level property.
In IIS 4.0, the default value for this property was true.
Schema Attributes
Attribute Name |
Value |
0 |
Not specified |
7020 |
Configurable Locations
You can configure this property at the following locations in the IIS metabase.
Metabase Path |
IIS Admin Object Type |
IIsWebService |
/LM/W3SVC/n |
IIsWebServer |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/physical_directory_name /LM/W3SVC/n/virtual_directory_name/physical_directory_name |
IIsWebDirectory |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT /LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name |
IIsWebVirtualDir |
There are no flags for this property.
Client: Requires Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server: Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.
Product: IIS