ControlGeneratedError Event

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

The ControlGeneratedError Event is used for returning high-priority error information, for example, when the connection to the Exchange store is lost while performing an operation.

Applies To

ExchangeTreeViewControl Class

Event Data

The event handler receives a ControlGeneratedEventArgs object as an argument containing data related to this event. The following properties provide information specific to this event.

Property Description

ErrorMessage Property

The error message.

ErrorMethod Property

The method in which the error occurred.


Visual Basic .NET

The following is an example of a ControlGeneratedError event handler in Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET.

Private Sub OnControlGeneratedError(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
    Handles treeView.ControlGeneratedError

     ' Declare the ControlGeneratedEventArgs object.
     Dim evtArgs As ControlGeneratedEventArgs

     ' Cast e to a ControlGeneratedEventArgs object.
     evtArgs = CType(e, ControlGeneratedEventArgs)

     Debug.WriteLine("Error message: " + evtArgs.ErrorMessage)
     Debug.WriteLine("Error occurred in: " + evtArgs.ErrorMethod)

End Sub


The following is an example of a ControlGeneratedError event handler in Microsoft C#.

void OnControlGeneratedError(object o, EventArgs e )
     // Cast e to a ControlGeneratedEventArgs object.
     ControlGeneratedEventArgs evtArgs = (ControlGeneratedEventArgs)e;

     Debug.WriteLine("Error message: " + evtArgs.ErrorMessage);
     Debug.WriteLine("Error occurred in: " + evtArgs.ErrorMethod);
