LocalizableErrors Enumeration
Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13
When the ControlError Event is raised, the type of error is passed back to the consuming application in the LocalizableErrors enumeration. The following table lists the LocalizableErrors enumeration members.
Member | Description |
FolderAlreadyExists |
A folder of that name already exists in that location. |
RowAlreadyExists |
The root node corresponding to that Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) already exists in the TreeView control. |
NoNodesToRemove |
The user tried to remove a folder node that doesn't exist. |
RootDoesNotExist |
The user tried to delete a root that doesn't exist. |
ExchangeNotAvailable |
The Exchange store is not available. |
FolderNotFound |
The folder could not be found. The folder may have been modified, moved, or deleted in the Exchange store. |
RowLimit |
The maximum number of roots in the TreeView control has been exceeded. |
RootAlreadyExists |
A root node corresponding to the URI already exists. |
DragNotAllowedAcrossServers |
Drag-drop is not allowed between root nodes that correspond to locations on different computers. |
SpecialCharactersInCredentials |
The user credentials contain special characters. |
UnableToDeleteFolder |
A failure occurred while attempting to delete a folder. |
UnableToMoveFolder |
A failure occurred while attempting to move a folder. |
UnableToCopyFolder |
A failure occurred while attempting to copy a folder. |
UnableToRenameFolder |
A failure occurred while attempting to rename a folder. |
ConnectionProblem |
Unable to connect to the server. |