BaseEmailAddressType Members

The BaseEmailAddressType class is the base class for derived classes that represent an e-mail address.

The following tables list the members exposed by the BaseEmailAddressType type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
BaseEmailAddressType The BaseEmailAddressType class is abstract and cannot be instantiated.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Bb409231.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
Bb409231.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
Bb409231.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
Bb409231.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifBb409231.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Bb409231.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ToString  (inherited from Object )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Bb409231.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
Bb409231.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
