AddressListBase.ConditionalCompany Property

Gets or sets the filter applied to the company attribute of the recipients in the address list.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management
Assembly:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll)


<ParameterAttribute> _
Public Property ConditionalCompany As MultiValuedProperty(Of String)
Dim instance As AddressListBase
Dim value As MultiValuedProperty(Of String)

value = instance.ConditionalCompany

instance.ConditionalCompany = value
public MultiValuedProperty<string> ConditionalCompany { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty<String>
The filter applied to the company attribute of the recipients in the address list.


If you set this property, you must also set the IncludedRecipients property. You cannot set both this property and the RecipientFilter property.