OrgPersonPresentationObject.SeniorityIndex Property

Gets or sets the order in which this person is displayed in a hierarchical address book.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management
Assembly:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll)


<ParameterAttribute(Mandatory := False)> _
Public Property SeniorityIndex As Nullable(Of Integer)
Dim instance As OrgPersonPresentationObject
Dim value As Nullable(Of Integer)

value = instance.SeniorityIndex

instance.SeniorityIndex = value
[ParameterAttribute(Mandatory = false)]
public Nullable<int> SeniorityIndex { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System.Nullable<Int32>
The order in which this person is displayed in a hierarchical address book.


A person with a value of 2 is displayed in an address book before a person with a value of 1.