PresenceRelationshipLevel Enumeration

This class indicates the relationship of one presentity to another.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration (in Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll)


Public Enumeration PresenceRelationshipLevel
Dim instance As PresenceRelationshipLevel
public enum PresenceRelationshipLevel


Member name Description
Personal Contact is personal (friends and family).

Contact can get all presence information, except meeting subject and location.

Workgroup Contact belongs to same workgroup or team.

Contact can get all presence information, except home and other phone. Contact can interrupt Do-not-disturb status.

Colleagues Contact belongs to same company.

Contact can get all presence information, except home, other and mobile phone, meeting subject and location.

External Contact is external.

Contact can get only name, title, email address, company office and picture.

Blocked Contact is blocked.

Contact can get only email address and office. Contact cannot reach to user via Microsoft Lync 2010.

Everyone No specific relationship level found for contact, default relationship level is Everyone.

Contact can get only email address and display name.

Unknown Relationship level cannot be determined or found a containerId, which does not belong to known relationship level container.


The BeginUpdateContainerMembership(ICollection<ContainerUpdateOperation>, AsyncCallback, Object) API can be used to assign relationship levels. Managing relationships is primarily of interest to UserEndpoints and less for Application endpoints which would like their presence information available to all.

See Also


Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence Namespace

