Conference Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Full conference information.

The Conference type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccessLevel Gets the access level controlling admission to the conference.
Public property AdmissionPolicy Obsolete. This property will be removed from future versions. Instead, use Conference.ConferenceAccessLevel. Gets the admission policy to apply to users who wish to join.
Public property AttendanceAnnouncementsStatus Gets the attendance announcements status for the conference.
Public property AutomaticLeaderAssignment Gets the policy that determines which participants are automatically promoted to leaders.
Public property ConferenceId Gets the conference ID that identifies this conference among the other conferences scheduled by the organizer.
Public property ConferenceUri Gets the conference URI.
Public property Description Gets the long description of the conference purpose.
Public property ExpiryTime Gets the absolute UTC date and time after which the conference can be deleted.
Public property IsActive Gets whether the conference is currently active.
Public property IsPasscodeOptional Gets the setting for an optional passcode.
Public property LastUpdate Gets the time of creation or last modification.
Public property LobbyBypass Gets the lobby bypass setting applied to the conference.
Public property Mcus Gets the list of MCU settings.
Public property OrganizerData Gets an XML blob to be sent to the organizer.
Public property OrganizerUri Gets the URI of the person who scheduled the conference.
Public property ParticipantData Gets an XML blob to be sent to participants.
Public property Participants Gets the list of participants, and their roles.
Public property Passcode Gets the passcode to be used by anonymous users.
Public property PhoneInformation Gets the information to access a conference through the phone.
Public property SchedulingTemplate Gets the scheduling template used to schedule the conference.
Public property Subject Gets the subject of the conference.
Public property WebUrl Gets the URL to join the conference from the web.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic member ToConferenceScheduleInformation Converts a conference into an object that can be used to update its properties.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)



  Name Description
Public operatorStatic member Implicit(Conference to ConferenceScheduleInformation) Converts a conference into an object that can be used to update its properties.
Public operatorStatic member Implicit(Conference to RealTimeAddress) Converts the Conference into its address.


See Also


Conference Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace