AudioChannel |
Represents an audio channel. |
AudioChannelTemplate |
Audio Channel Template. |
AudioControl |
Represents the entities in AudioVideoFlow that relate to audio. |
AudioControlTemplate |
Audio Control Template. |
AudioRoute |
Represents basic information about an audio route. |
AudioVideoCall |
AudioVideoCall class is the class which supports the audio-based and video-based communication. |
AudioVideoCallEstablishOptions |
Represents optional parameters for establishing an audio-video call. |
AudioVideoCallTransferReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the event argument for handling transfer received event. |
AudioVideoFlow |
AudioVideoFlow represents media connection with single remote participant. |
AudioVideoFlowConfigurationChangedEventArgs |
Represents information received when the configuration of an AudioVideoFlow instance changes. |
AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs |
Represents the event argument for the "AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequested" event in audio video call. |
AudioVideoFlowTemplate |
The AudioVideoFlowTemplate is used to configure changes that must be made on AudioVideoFlow. |
AudioVideoMcuDialInOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-in to an audio-video MCU. |
AudioVideoMcuDialOutOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-out to a participant through audio-video MCU. |
AudioVideoMcuParticipantEndpointProperties |
Represents properties for participants joined to the Audio Video MCU. |
AudioVideoMcuRouting |
Represents the controls that can be used to configure audio routing at the audio-video MCU between participants. |
AudioVideoMcuSession |
Allows requests to be made to the Audio-Video MCU. |
AudioVideoMcuSessionProperties |
Represents properties for the AudioVideoMcuSession. |
AudioVideoSettings |
Global configuration of audio/video platform. Application can define detailed platform attributes. |
CodecCollection<T> |
Public codec collection. Used to define the global audio codecs policy. |
DisableMuteAllModeOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize disabling the mute-all mode. |
EnableMuteAllModeOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize enabling the mute-all mode. |
IncomingAudioRoute |
Represents the remote source of incoming audio. |
IncomingFaxDetectedEventArgs |
Represents event arguments forwarded by ToneController to notify that a fax tone was detected. |
MediaChannel |
Represents a media channel base class. Objects that identify a media channel must extend this class. |
MediaChannelTemplate |
Media Channel Template. |
MediaSink |
MediaSink is an abstract class that defines the interface used by the Recorder class to buffer media when an audio or video session is being recorded. |
MediaSource |
The MediaSource class is the base class for all media sources and provides an encapsulation for all media. |
ModifyAttendanceAnnouncementOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying attendance announcements. |
MuteOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize muting itself or other endpoints. |
NetworkPortRange |
Available audio/video communication port range. |
OutgoingAudioRoute |
Represents a remote sink (recipient) of the outgoing audio. |
Player |
The Player class represents an entity capable of playing media. |
PlayerStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents information received when a player's state changes. |
QualityOfService |
Available audio/video Quality of Service (QoS). |
ReadOnlyDictionary<K, V> |
Represents a generic read-only collection of key/value pairs. |
Recorder |
The Recorder class represents an entity that is capable of recording media. |
RecorderStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents information received when the recorder's state changes. |
SpeechRecognitionConnector |
SpeechRecognitionConnector can be bound to an AudioVideoFlow, and provides a stream of audio data compatible with Microsoft.Speech. |
SpeechRecognitionStream |
A Stream implementation, for consumption by Microsoft.Speech, which is backed by Real-time Protocol (RTP) data received by an AudioVideoFlow instance. |
SpeechSynthesisConnector |
SpeechSynthesisConnector can be attached to an AudioVideoFlow, and provides a Stream interface to feed audio data to the flow. |
ToneController |
The ToneController class handles telephony tone communication between an AudioVideoFlow instance and a remote application. |
ToneControllerEventArgs |
Represents event arguments forwarded by ToneController to notify that a new tone has been received. |
UnmuteOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize un-muting itself or other endpoints. |
VoiceActivityChangedEventArgs |
Represents information received when recorder detects a change in voice state. |
WmaFileSink |
The WmaFileSink class is used for recording to a WMA file. |
WmaFileSource |
The WmaFileSource class is a WMA-specific MediaSource subclass. |