PresenceState Members

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This class represents the state presence category and denotes the availability of a presentity.

The PresenceState type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PresenceState(PresenceCategoryWithMetaData) Creates an instance of the PresenceState class.
Public method PresenceState(PresenceStateType, Int32, PresenceActivity) Creates an instance of the PresenceState(MachineState/AggregateMachineState/AggregateState/UserState) class.
Public method PresenceState(Int32, PresenceActivity, PhoneCallType, String) Creates an instance of the phone state category.



  Name Description
Public property Activity Gets or sets the activity token.
Public property Availability Gets the availability for presence state.
Public property AvailabilityValue Gets or sets the numeric value of availability of presence State, returns -1 if availability value is unknown.
Public property CategoryName Gets the name of the category. (inherited from PresenceCategory)
Public property DeviceType Gets or sets the device type for MachineState/AggregateState/AggregateMachineState.
Public propertyStatic member EndpointAway MachineState is Away.
Public propertyStatic member EndpointIdle MachineState is Idle-Online.
Public property EndpointLocation Gets or sets the endpoint location with values such as "home", "office", "mobile", or custom location.
Public propertyStatic member EndpointOnline MachineState is Online.
Public property IsManual Gets or sets whether this presence is set manually or automatically.
Public property LastActive Gets or sets the last active time.
Public property MeetingLocation Gets or sets the meeting location.
Public property MeetingSubject Gets or sets the meeting subject.
Public propertyStatic member PersistentOnline Aggregate Presence State is Online, only used as presence for applications like BOT.
Public property StartTime Gets or sets the start time from which this state will be active.
Public property StateType Gets the state type representing this presence state.
Public property TimeZoneAbbreviation Gets or sets the time zone abbreviation.
Public property TimeZoneBias Gets or sets the time zone bias.
Public property TimeZoneName Gets or sets the time zone name.
Public propertyStatic member UserAvailable User state is Available, Availability is 3500 and activity is "online".
Public propertyStatic member UserAway User state is Away, Availability is 15500 and activity is "away".
Public propertyStatic member UserBeRightBack User state is BeRightBack, Availability is 12500 and activity is "be-right-back".
Public propertyStatic member UserBusy User state is Busy, Availability is 6500 and activity is "busy".
Public propertyStatic member UserDoNotDisturb User state is DoNotDisturb, Availability is 9500.
Public propertyStatic member UserOffline User state is Offline, Availability is 18000.
Public propertyStatic member UserOffWork User state is OffWork, Availability is 15500 with activity is "off-work".



  Name Description
Protected method CreateExpiryPolicy Determines the expiry policy for this category. (Overrides PresenceCategory.CreateExpiryPolicy().)
Protected method CreateInstanceId Determines the instance id for this category. (Overrides PresenceCategory.CreateInstanceId(RealTimeEndpoint).)
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetCategoryDataXml Returns this instance of PresenceState as a serialized xml. (Overrides PresenceCategory.GetCategoryDataXml().)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic member PhoneInACall Returns the phone state as on-the-phone.
Public methodStatic member PhoneInAConference Returns the phone state as in-a-conference.
Public method SetExpiryTime Allows the userstate to be active for a specified number of seconds.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AvailabilityValueUnknown Constant with value -1, represents the unknown availability value.


See Also


PresenceState Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence Namespace