Application.Quit Method (Boolean)

Quits the InfoPath application with the option to prompt users to save forms that are being closed.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.InfoPath (in Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.dll)


Public MustOverride Sub Quit ( _
    force As Boolean _
Dim instance As Application
Dim force As Boolean

public abstract void Quit(
    bool force


  • force
    Type: System.Boolean

    Determines whether open forms will be saved during the quit operation. If set to false, all forms will be closed without saving, even if the data in the forms has been changed. If set to true, the user will be prompted to save the forms. The default value is false.


Exception Condition

The Quit method was called from the Loading event.


The parameter passed to this method is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The parameter passed to this method is not valid. For example, it is of the wrong type or format.


If the Quit method is used in a form that is not fully trusted, the method will raise a System.Security.SecurityException exception.

This member can be accessed only by forms opened from a form template that has been configured to run with full trust using the Security and Trust category of the Form Options dialog box. This member requires full trust for the immediate caller and cannot be used by partially trusted code. For more information, see "Using Libraries from Partially Trusted Code" on MSDN.

This type or member can be accessed only from code running in forms opened in Microsoft InfoPath Filler.


In the following example, the Quit method of the Application class is used to quit InfoPath and prompt the user to save any of the currently open forms.


See Also


Application Class

Application Members

Quit Overload

Microsoft.Office.InfoPath Namespace