Form.DatasheetBackColor Property (Access)
You can use the DatasheetBackColor property in Visual Basic to specify or determine the background color of an entire table, query, or form in Datasheet view within a Microsoft Access database. Read/write Long.
expression .DatasheetBackColor
expression A variable that represents a Form object.
The following setting information applies to both Microsoft Access database and Access projects (.adp):
Setting the DatasheetBackColor property for a table or query won't affect this property setting for a form that uses the table or query as its source of data.
The following table contains the properties that don't exist in the DAO Properties collection of until you set them by using the Formatting (Datasheet) toolbar or you can add them in an Access database by using the CreateProperty method and append it to the DAO Properties collection.
DatasheetBackColor |
DatasheetForeColor* |
When you add or set any property listed with an asterisk, Microsoft Access automatically adds it to the Properties collection.
The following example uses the SetTableProperty procedure to set a table's font color to dark blue and its background color to light gray. If a "Property not found" error occurs when the property is set, the CreateProperty method is used to add the property to the object's Properties collection.
Dim dbs As Object, objProducts As Object
Const lngForeColor As Long = 8388608 ' Dark blue.
Const lngBackColor As Long = 12632256 ' Light gray.
Const DB_Long As Long = 4
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set objProducts = dbs!Products
SetTableProperty objProducts, "DatasheetBackColor", DB_Long, lngBackColor
SetTableProperty objProducts, "DatasheetForeColor", DB_Long, lngForeColor
Sub SetTableProperty(objTableObj As Object, strPropertyName As String, _
intPropertyType As Integer, varPropertyValue As Variant)
Const conErrPropertyNotFound = 3270
Dim prpProperty As Variant
On Error Resume Next ' Don't trap errors.
objTableObj.Properties(strPropertyName) = varPropertyValue
If Err <> 0 Then ' Error occurred when value set.
If Err <> conErrPropertyNotFound Then
' Error is unknown.
MsgBox "Couldn't set property '" & strPropertyName _
& "' on table '" & tdfTableObj.Name & "'", vbExclamation, Err.Description
' Error is "Property not found", so add it to collection.
Set prpProperty = objTableObj.CreateProperty(strPropertyName, _
intPropertyType, varPropertyValue)
objTableObj.Properties.Append prpProperty
End If
End If
End Sub