How to: Identify a Meeting Item as a Counter-Proposal to a Prior Meeting Request
This topic shows how to use the named property, PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal, and the Microsoft Outlook object model to identify a MeetingItem object as a counter proposal to a prior meeting request.
In the Outlook object model, all types of items, such as a mail item and a contact item, correspond to specific message classes. In particular, responses to a meeting request can be identified by the following message classes:
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg for a decline response
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos for an acceptance response
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Ten for a tentative response
However, the Outlook object model does not provide a means to identify a response as the fourth possible response to a meeting request, which is a counter-proposal.
Using the PropertyAccessor object and the PSETID_Appointment namespace definition of PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal, you can program within the object model to distinguish all responses of a meeting request item. The following code sample in C# shows how to get the property value given a meeting item. Note that in the code sample, the named property is expressed as:
where {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is the PSETID_Appointment namespace and 8257000B is the property tag of PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal.
private bool IsCounterProposal(Outlook.MeetingItem meeting)
const string counterPropose =
Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = meeting.PropertyAccessor;
if ((bool)pa.GetProperty(counterPropose))
return true;
return false;