StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents status information about assignment custom fields that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRow objects.

The StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable() Creates an instance of the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable class.
Protected method StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Creates an instance of the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable class by using separate parameters.



  Name Description
Public property ASSN_UIDColumn Defines the column for the ASSN_UID field.
Public property CaseSensitive (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property ChildRelations (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property CODE_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the CODE_VALUE field.
Public property Columns (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Constraints (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Container (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public property Count Gets the number of row objects in the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable.
Public property CUSTOM_FIELD_UIDColumn Defines the column for the CUSTOM_FIELD_UID field.
Public property DataSet (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property DATE_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the DATE_VALUE field.
Public property DefaultView (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property DesignMode (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public property DisplayExpression (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property DUR_FMTColumn Defines the column for the DUR_FMT field.
Public property DUR_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the DUR_VALUE field.
Protected property Events (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public property ExtendedProperties (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property FIELD_TYPE_ENUMColumn Defines the column for the FIELD_TYPE_ENUM field.
Public property FLAG_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the FLAG_VALUE field.
Public property HasErrors (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property INDICATOR_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the INDICATOR_VALUE field.
Public property IsInitialized (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Item Gets a row in the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable, where the row is specified by an index.
Public property Locale (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property MD_PROP_IDColumn Defines the column for the MD_PROP_ID field.
Public property MD_PROP_UIDColumn Defines the column for the MD_PROP_UID field.
Public property MinimumCapacity (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Namespace (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property NUM_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the NUM_VALUE field.
Public property ParentRelations (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Prefix (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property PrimaryKey (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property PROJ_UIDColumn Defines the column for the PROJ_UID field.
Public property RemotingFormat (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Rows (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property Site (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property TableName (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public property TEXT_VALUEColumn Defines the column for the TEXT_VALUE field.



  Name Description
Public method AcceptChanges (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method AddAssnCustomFieldsRow(StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRow) Adds an AssnCustomFieldsRow object to the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable.
Public method AddAssnCustomFieldsRow(Guid, Guid, Guid, Guid, Int32, Byte, Boolean, String, DateTime, Guid, Int32, Decimal, Byte, Int32) This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method BeginInit (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method BeginLoadData (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Clear (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Clone (Overrides DataTable.Clone().)
Public method Compute (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Copy (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method CreateDataReader (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method CreateInstance (Overrides DataTable.CreateInstance().)
Public method Dispose() (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public method EndInit (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method EndLoadData (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public method FindByCUSTOM_FIELD_UID Retrieves an AssnCustomFieldsRow object by using the specified custom field GUID.
Public method GetChanges() (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method GetChanges(DataRowState) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the rows of the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable.
Public method GetErrors (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetObjectData (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method GetRowType (Overrides DataTable.GetRowType().)
Protected method GetSchema (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method GetService (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetTypedTableSchema This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method ImportRow (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Load(IDataReader) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Load(IDataReader, LoadOption) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Load(IDataReader, LoadOption, FillErrorEventHandler) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method LoadDataRow([], Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method LoadDataRow([], LoadOption) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Merge(DataTable) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Merge(DataTable, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Merge(DataTable, Boolean, MissingSchemaAction) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method NewAssnCustomFieldsRow Creates a row object in the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable.
Public method NewRow (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method NewRowArray (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method NewRowFromBuilder (Overrides DataTable.NewRowFromBuilder(DataRowBuilder).)
Protected method OnColumnChanged (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnColumnChanging (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanging (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnRemoveColumn (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnRowChanged (Overrides DataTable.OnRowChanged(DataRowChangeEventArgs).)
Protected method OnRowChanging (Overrides DataTable.OnRowChanging(DataRowChangeEventArgs).)
Protected method OnRowDeleted (Overrides DataTable.OnRowDeleted(DataRowChangeEventArgs).)
Protected method OnRowDeleting (Overrides DataTable.OnRowDeleting(DataRowChangeEventArgs).)
Protected method OnTableCleared (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnTableClearing (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method OnTableNewRow (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXml(Stream) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXml(TextReader) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXml(String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXml(XmlReader) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXmlSchema(Stream) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXmlSchema(TextReader) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXmlSchema(String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ReadXmlSchema(XmlReader) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected method ReadXmlSerializable (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method RejectChanges (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method RemoveAssnCustomFieldsRow Deletes a row object from the AssnCustomFieldsDataTable.
Public method Reset (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Select() (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Select(String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Select(String, String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method Select(String, String, DataViewRowState) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(Stream) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(TextWriter) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(XmlWriter) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(Stream, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(TextWriter, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(XmlWriter, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(String, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(Stream, XmlWriteMode) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(TextWriter, XmlWriteMode) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlWriteMode) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(String, XmlWriteMode) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(Stream, XmlWriteMode, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(TextWriter, XmlWriteMode, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlWriteMode, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXml(String, XmlWriteMode, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(Stream) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(TextWriter) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(XmlWriter) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(String) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(Stream, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(TextWriter, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(XmlWriter, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public method WriteXmlSchema(String, Boolean) (Inherited from DataTable.)



  Name Description
Public event AssnCustomFieldsRowChanged The post-event that occurs after a row is changed.
Public event AssnCustomFieldsRowChanging The pre-event that occurs before a row is changed.
Public event AssnCustomFieldsRowDeleted The post-event that occurs after a row is deleted.
Public event AssnCustomFieldsRowDeleting The pre-event that occurs before a row is deleted.
Public event ColumnChanged (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event ColumnChanging (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event Disposed (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public event Initialized (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event RowChanged (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event RowChanging (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event RowDeleted (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event RowDeleting (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event TableCleared (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event TableClearing (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public event TableNewRow (Inherited from DataTable.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method BuildChainedIndex<TKey> Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)
Public Extension Method BuildIndex<TKey> Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)
Public Extension Method GetTemporaryColumnName Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)
Public Extension Method HasColumn Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)



  Name Description
Protected field fInitInProgress (Inherited from DataTable.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IListSource.ContainsListCollection (Inherited from DataTable.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IListSource.GetList (Inherited from DataTable.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IXmlSerializable.GetSchema (Inherited from DataTable.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IXmlSerializable.ReadXml (Inherited from DataTable.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IXmlSerializable.WriteXml (Inherited from DataTable.)


See Also


StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable Class

Statusing Web Service