LCID Property
The LCID property of the SPLocale class gets the locale identifier (LCID) for the locale.
Property Value
A 32-bit integer that specifies the LCID.
The following table shows the LCID for each locale.
LCID | Locale |
5121 | Algeria |
11274 | Argentina |
3081 | Australia |
15361 | Bahrain |
16394 | Bolivia |
1046 | Brazil |
3084 | Canada1 |
4105 | Canada2 |
13322 | Chile |
9226 | Colombia |
5130 | CostaRica |
1029 | CzechRepublic |
1030 | Denmark |
7178 | DominicanRepublic |
12298 | Ecuador |
3073 | Egypt |
17418 | ElSalvador |
-2 | EuropeanUnion1 |
-1 | EuropeanUnion2 |
4106 | Guatemala |
18442 | Honduras |
3076 | HongKongSAR |
1038 | Hungary |
1081 | India |
1065 | Iran |
2049 | Iraq |
1037 | Israel |
1041 | Japan |
11265 | Jordan |
1042 | Korea |
13313 | Kuwait |
12289 | Lebanon |
4097 | Libya |
2058 | Mexico |
6145 | Morocco |
5129 | NewZealand |
19466 | Nicaragua |
1044 | Norway |
8193 | Oman |
1056 | Pakistan |
6154 | Panama |
15370 | Paraguay |
2052 | PeoplesRepublicofChina |
10250 | Peru |
1045 | Poland |
16385 | Qatar |
1049 | Russia |
1025 | SaudiArabia |
4100 | Singapore |
1051 | Slovakia |
1060 | Slovenia |
7177 | SouthAfrica |
1053 | Sweden |
2055 | Switzerland |
10241 | Syria |
1028 | Taiwan |
1054 | Thailand |
7169 | Tunisia |
1055 | Turkey |
14337 | UAE |
2057 | UnitedKingdom |
1033 | UnitedStates |
14346 | Uruguay |
8202 | Venezuela |
1066 | Vietnam |
9217 | Yemen |
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Security: Code Access Security