Computer Speech and Speech-Enabled Applications

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

This section provides the following information for users of the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK):

  • Introducing Computer Speech Technology
    Two key technologies underlie speech-enabling computer applications: speech recognition (SR) and speech synthesis. This topic provides a high-level introduction to these computer speech technologies.
  • Envisioning the Power of the Speech-Enabled Web
    Developers who build ASP.NET Web applications with the SASDK can add the naturalness and power of speech interaction to a variety of applications. This topic illustrates this point with a scenario, and then outlines several types of applications to which speech can add value.
  • The Speech Application SDK and the Speech Application Platform
    The SASDK is just one component of the Microsoft Speech Platform. See this document for an outline of the constituents of both the SASDK and Microsoft Speech Server (MSS), which together constitute the Microsoft Speech Application Platform (Speech Platform), as well as a brief introduction to Speech Applications Language Tags (SALT) and ASP.NET Speech Controls.
  • Making Applications Easier to Build
    The keys to making speech application building fast and easy are the richly-featured SASDK tool suite, and a set of robust ASP.NET Application Speech Controls that incorporate complex logic for common application scenarios. See this topic for a brief description of the Visual Studio .NET 2003 tools for authoring and debugging speech-enabled Web applications, and for a more detailed overview of what ASP.NET Application Speech Controls are and why they are useful.
  • ASP.NET Distributed Speech Application Scenarios
    This topic provides a high-level overview of the how the components of the Speech Platform interact with one another in common usage scenarios, including telephony, desktop multimodal, and Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC 2003 (Pocket PC) scenarios.