Change Method

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Flushes the current subqueue buffer.

PromptQueue.Change(speed, volume)


The Change method changes the speed and volume of prompts in all subqueues. Both speed and volume arguments are required. Each is specified relative to the current value. Rather than specifying an absolute value, the value used for either speed or volume is specified to affect the current speed or volume.

The following table illustrates the scheme that is used to set the speed and volume:

Value Meaning
2.0 Double the current value.
0.5 Halve the current value.
1.0 Keep the current value.
  0 Restore the default value.

If the Change method is not supported, an onerror event occurs and sets the status property to -3.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Change method to double both speed and volume.

PromptQueue.Change(2.0, 2.0)

See Also

PromptQueue Object |  prompt Element | onerror Event