Speech Prompt Editor Errors

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The following table shows error description strings displayed by Speech Prompt Editor, and suggest possible resolutions for these errors.

Error Description String Resolution
Failed to create database. Is the prompt engine installed? Repair Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1.
The normalization file was not found. Please be sure that you have specified both a .promptdb filename and a wave name, or select another normalization option. Verify that both a .promptdb file and a wave name have been specified in the prompt project's properties.
Unspecified script error. Error in the prompt database normalization script files.
Unknown file type The input file contains a file of an unknown type. Use only .promptdb, .js and .vbs
Unsupported audio format. See the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 Help documentation for a description of supported audio formats.
Duplicate Extraction ID: Source .promptdb files contain Extraction IDs that are non-unique across the whole set. Change the values of duplicated Extraction IDs to unique values.
Database contains duplicate extraction IDs. Failed to save database Source .promptdb files contain Extraction IDs that are non-unique across the whole set. Change the values of duplicated Extraction IDs to unique values.
Conflicting script language Prompt text normalization script files can be in either JScript of VBScript, but in a single project, they must all be of the same type. Change all prompt text normalization script files to either JScript or VBScript.
Duplicate function name: The function name appears more than once in the given set of text normalization script files. Change duplicate function names to unique names.
WARNING: no wave data for The specified recording has no wave data. To add these recordings into the prompt database anyway, open the Project Properties dialog box and select the Use filler for missing waveforms check box.
Audio cache file corrupted, Clean/Rebuild required. The audio cache file (.wd) is corrupt. Rebuild the project to rebuild the audio cache file.
Database file corrupted, can't continue: A source .promptdb file is corrupt. Identify the corrupt file, remove it from the project, and then recreate it.
WARNING: Nothing to extract for prompt database. Verify that extractions have been made from the recordings in the .promptdb files.
Function script contains mismatched /* */ comment Examine the prompt function body and verify that all comment blocks have both a start tag (/*) and a corresponding end tag (*/).
There is a syntax error in the entered text. Prompt Editor is removing transcription markup. There is an error in the markup. All markup will be stripped, leaving just the text. Reenter transcription markup.
Failed to import wave data. Verify that the target wave file is a valid wave file, and that the file name does not contain invalid characters.
The Prompt Editor cannot open this waveform because it is already open in another editor. Close the waveform in the other editor and then reopen it using Speech Prompt Editor.
Prompt function parameter list contains a parameter with no values. Each parameter listed for each function must contain at least one validation value. Add sample validation values for all parameters.
There is no active prompt database. Please select a prompt database by bringing it to the foreground, then try again. Select a prompt database by bringing it to the foreground and then try again.
Warning: If you delete these functions, any Application Controls in your Web application that reference them will no longer work.

You must update the Application Controls on your Web page to use different prompt functions instead.
If you delete the functions, update all Application Speech Controls that depended on the functions so that they use different prompt functions.
Audio file not found. Verify that the target audio file exists at the specified location.
A URL is not supported in this context. Please use a valid file name. Use a valid file name instead of a URL.
A URL is not supported in this context. Please use a valid folder name. Use a valid folder name instead of a URL.
The Speech Recognition engine failed to initialize for automatic alignment.

Please select another Microsoft Speech Recognition engine in the Speech Control Panel.
In Control Panel, click Speech. Click Speech Recognition, and select a different speech recognition engine from the drop-down list box in the Language area of the Control Panel.
Invalid or duplicate function name Verify that the function name is unique, does not begin with a digit, does not contain spaces, and does not contain any of the following characters: . " / \ [ ] ; : | = , ? * + < >
Unsupported file format. Import text for validation using ANSI, UTF-16 Unicode, or UTF-8 Unicode format.
Cannot complete operation. Perhaps the .promptdb is open in another instance of Visual Studio. Verify that the .promptdb file is not open in another instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003.
Error executing inner function. Except in an Application Control, a prompt function must return a string. Verify that the return type for the prompt function a string.
Unable to add the audio data. Please make sure that adequate disk space is available. Verify that the computer on which the audio data is being saved has adequate free space.
You may import only 8-bit PCM, 16-bit PCM, ALAW or ULAW audio files. Import aborted. Resave the audio as an 8-bit PCM, 16-bit PCM, a-law or u-law audio file.
Error importing these transcription numbers: Check the syntax of the specified transcriptions.
Error, please retry. Failed to record. Verify that the computer sound card is functioning properly, and that there is adequate disk space.
Build did not succeed. Please correct errors before trying again. Correct errors and build again. Check the output window for a description of errors.
No solution, create or open a Prompt project. Validation requires a solution with a prompt project in it. Create or open a Prompt Project.
A wave name must be no longer than 31 characters,
must not begin or end with a space character,
and must not contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
Change the name of the wave so that is less than 31 characters long, does not begin or end with a space, and does not contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
SAPI not found or wrong version. Use the Speech Add-in Start page to verify that the Speech Recognition and Text-to-speech engines are properly installed and functioning. Repair or reinstall Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 if necessary.
In order to do the rename, the file must be saved. Save the .promptdb file before attempting to rename it.
Invalid script A .pf file or one of its includes is not valid JScript.
An unspecified error has occurred. Please save your work before continuing. You may need to close and reopen your solution. Save the solution, close it, and then reopen it.
Missing Microsoft.NET Speech SDK Prompt Engine Repair or reinstall Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1.
Prompt Function exceeds number validations. Excess skipped. Use the Prompt Validation Options dialog and increase the limits.
Solution exceeds number validations. Excess skipped. Use the Prompt Validation Options dialog and increase the limits.
You may not import an empty wave file. Select a wave file that is not empty.
Couldn't read the import file. Verify that the currently logged in user has Read permission for the selected file.
Import file must either be UTF-16, little-endian Unicode format or ANSI Resave the file in either UTF-16, little-endian Unicode format, or ANSI format.
Out of memory. Close unused applications to free system memory and then try again.
Failed reading import file. Check file format. Verify that the file format is either UTF-16, little-endian Unicode format, or ANSI format.
Couldn't parse column headings in import file. Change the column headings in the import file so that they match the transcription column headings.
Unable to save promptdb file due to a lock violation. This may be due to the same file being open in another instance of Visual Studio. Please save your work under a different filename. Verify that the .promptdb file is not open in another instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003.
Unexpected open tag character ({). Use tags only within extractions: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]". Use tags only within extractions, for example: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]".
Unexpected close tag character (}). Close a tag using only the close tag character: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]". Close a tag using only the close tag character, for example: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]".
Unexpected close extraction character (]). Check for a misplaced close extraction character. Check for a misplaced close extraction character (]).
Extractions cannot be empty. Ensure that the opening and closing extraction characters ([…]) surround at least one word in the transcription.
Use only one tag per extraction. Use only one tag per extraction.
Unexpected open extraction character ([). Do not use the open extraction character inside a tag or ID. Do not use the open extraction character ([) inside a tag or ID.
Missing close tag character (}). Every open tag character ({) must have a corresponding close tag character. Ensure that every open tag character ({) must have a corresponding close tag character (}).
Unexpected tag delimiter (;) character. Use the tag delimiter only between valid, non-empty tags. Use the tag delimiter (;) only between valid, non-empty tags.
Tags cannot contain only whitespace. Use alphanumeric characters to create a tag value.
Do not use any of the following markup characters in the tags field: {}[]<>. Use these markup characters only in the transcription field. Enter a tag value that does not contain any of the following markup characters: {}[]<>.
Unexpected open ID character (<). Use IDs only within extractions: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]". Remove the unexpected open ID character (<).
Unexpected close ID character (>). Close an ID using only the close ID character: "text [extraction {tag1;tag2} <ID>]". Remove the unexpected close ID character (>).
Use only one extraction ID per extraction. Use only one Extraction ID per extraction.
Extraction IDs cannot be empty. Enter a value for the Extraction ID.
Extraction IDs cannot contain only whitespace. Use alphanumeric characters to create an Extraction ID.
Missing close extraction ID character (>). Every open extraction ID character (<) must have a corresponding close extraction ID character. Ensure that every open Extraction ID character (<) has a corresponding close Extraction ID character (>).
Do not use any of the following markup characters in the extraction ID field: {}[]<>. Use these markup characters only in the transcription field. Enter an extraction value that does not contain any of the following markup characters: {}[]<>.
Missing close extraction character (]). Every open extraction character ([) must have a corresponding close extraction character. Ensure that every open extraction character ([) has a corresponding close extraction character (]).
Tags cannot be empty. Enter a value for the tag.
Duplicate extractions within the same recording are not permitted. Surround extractions with only a single set of open and close extraction characters ([…]).
Transcriptions must contain an alphanumeric character. Enter a transcription that contains one or more alphanumeric characters.
You must have a unique track name Enter a unique track name.
The clipboard data has a different sampling frequency, do you want to resample? Click OK to resample the clipboard data, or Cancel to cancel the paste operation.
This file has changed outside the editor. Do you wish to reload it? If you do reload, you will lose any undo operations. Click OK to reload the file and forfeit the ability to undo the previous operation, or click Cancel and save the file under a different name.
The Wave Editor cannot edit a stereo file. Save a mono channel copy of the audio file and open the new file in Wave Editor.
Unable to save this promptdb entry, maybe it has been deleted. To keep the wave data, use Save As, save the waveform as a .wav file, and then reimport the waveform
An unspecified error has occurred. Please save your work before continuing. You may need to close and reopen your solution. Save the solution, close it, and then reopen it.
You may not have a maximum length of zero or greater than 4,294,967,295 Select Tools, select Options, click Speech Application SDK, and then click Wave Editor. In the text box labeled Maximum length of wave to display to begin with:, enter a value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 4,294,967,295 seconds.
If you choose OK, your alignments will be lost since they do not match the transcription. Choose Cancel to not save the waveform, so that you can close or undo your changes Click OK to close Wave Editor without saving the alignments, or click Cancel and fix the alignments so that they match the transcription.
You must have a positive (non-zero) window size Enlarge the window, or select one of the pre-defined window sizes.
Your chosen window size is smaller than 4 samples, window size increased to 4 samples in size. Select a window that is from 4 to 8192 samples long.
Your chosen window size is larger than 8192 samples, window size decreased to 8192 samples in size. Select a window that is from 4 to 8192 samples long.
Cannot perform this paste, resultant wave would be too short (less than 20 samples). Copy and paste a larger section of waveform. Copy and paste a section of waveform large enough to result in a finished waveform 20 or more samples long.
Cannot display waveform. Too many waveform views are open. Close some waveform views and reopen this view. Close some of the open waveform views and reopen this view.
File 'file_name' is already a member of the project A project file with the specified name already exists in the project. Save the file using a different name.
Invalid file name - 'file_name' Assign a project name that is not '.' or '..', and that does not contain any of the following characters: / ? : & \ * " < > | # %
The compiler (buildprompts.exe) cannot be found. Repair or reinstall Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1.
File 'file_name' already exists. Do you want to overwrite? Click Yes to overwrite the existing file, or click No and save the file using a different name.
Could not copy file 'file_name' to project project_name. Verify that the currently logged in user has Write permission for the project file.
You must type a file name. Enter a file name.
File names cannot contain a leading period. Do not enter a file name that begins with a period.
The project file can only be saved into the project location. Save the file only inside the directory containing the Visual Studio .NET 2003 project.
Project needs at least one source file to build. Add at least one file to the project.
Failed to reopen .promptdb file - close the Prompt Editor Close Speech Prompt Editor and try again.
Couldn't delete string. Ensure that the currently logged in user has access permissions to either Visual Studio .NET 2003 or Internet Information Services (IIS), and that the specified file is not currently open in another process.
The file could not be loaded. It may have been moved, deleted, or may be in use. Verify that the specified file exists at the specified location, and that it is not currently open in another process.
Rename failed: 'file_name' is read only. Change the permissions for the specified file to Write and try again.
A Prompt Project failed to build. Please refer to the Output window for details. See the output window for details.
You must enter a reference wave for volume normalization. Specify a promptdb file and wave name. Specify a .promptdb file and the name of a wave to serve as a reference for volume normalization.
path: 'path' is an invalid output path. The output path must be fewer than number characters, and must be an absolute or relative file path. Enter either an absolute or relative path that contains fewer than the specified number of characters.