Scriptable data integration

更新 : 2009-04-30

You can script data integration steps as outlined in this documentation, by using the Planning コマンド ユーティリティ, which is available when you install Planning Business Modeler. The utility is in the same directory as Planning Business Modeler.

To see Help for staging database operations, type PPSCmd help StagingDB at a command prompt.


To perform data integration operations, you must be a member of the Data Administrator role in Planning Business Modeler. To perform database operations, you must also have explicit permissions to that database. For more information, see Security roles.

PPSCmd commands

The PPSCmd.exe StagingDB command enables you to perform data integration functions by using the switches that are listed in the following table.

メモメモ :

Commands and switches are case sensitive.

Switches Required Description

/Operation <Operation>

CreateStaging |

RefreshStaging |

SynchronizeData |



Indicates which of the following operations will run:

  • CreateStaging. Use to create a staging database when an application already exists.

  • RefreshStaging. Use to make sure that staging database stored procedures and functions are compatible with the current version on the computer that is running Planning Server.

  • SynchronizeData. Use to synchronize the data structures and data between the application database and the staging database.

  • LoadDataFromStaging. Use to load data from the staging database to the application database.

/Server <ServerUri>


Indicates the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the server to which you want to connect.

/Path <Path>


Indicates the path of the object that defines the scope of the staging operation.

/Collection <Collection>

Dimensions |

Models |


Indicates a groups of objects to synchronize in model sites:

  • Dimensions. Indicates dimensions in a model site to synchronize.

  • Models. Indicates models in a model site to synchronize.

  • Associations. Indicates associations in the application to synchronize. The /Collection Associations operation is available for migration purposes.


Instructs Planning Business Modeler not to perform validation when data is loaded. By default, validation occurs when you load data.

Consider the following when you use /NoValidation:

Loading data without validation might deliver unwanted results. We recommend that you run the validation of stored procedures before you load the data. Use the Planning コマンド ユーティリティ with the /NoValidation switch.


Indicates the site from which the dimension is being loaded. The default is the site at which the dimension was created, which is called the owner site.


This section shows various examples of data integration commands.

Create Staging Database

This example shows the StagingDB command and CreateStaging command. The /Server <ServerURI> switch calls the Planning Web サービス to create the staging database and have the database associate with the existing Alpine_Ski_House application.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation CreateStaging /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House

Refresh Staging Database

This example shows the StagingDB command and RefreshStaging command. The /Server <ServerURI> switch calls the Planning Web サービス to refresh the staging database by using stored procedures and functions from the current version on the computer that is running Planning Server.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation RefreshStaging /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House

Synchronize Dimension Data to Staging Database

This example shows a command that uses the SynchronizeData command to synchronize a dimension and its related hierarchies from the Alpine_Ski_House application database.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation SynchronizeData /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_C

Synchronize Data with the /Collection Switch

These examples show commands that use the /Collection switch to synchronize a collection of dimensions and their related hierarchies.

  • Synchronize All Dimensions in All Models

    PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation SynchronizeData /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_Corporate.Corporate /Collection models
  • Synchronize All Dimensions

    PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation SynchronizeData /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_Corporate.Corporate /Collection dimensions
  • Synchronize Dimensions in Associations

    PPSCmd.exe PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation SynchronizeData /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_C
    orporate /Collection associations

Load Dimension with the /CurrentSite Switch

This example shows a Product dimension that is being loaded from the Manufacturing model site. The dimension is owned by the ASH_Corporate model site. If /CurrentSite is not specified site ASH_Corporate is the default.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation LoadDataFromStaging /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_Corporate.dimension:Product /CurrentSite Manufacturing

Synchronize Model Data to Staging Database

This example shows the SynchronizeData operation to synchronize Corporate Mgmt model data from the staging database to the Alpine_Ski_House application database.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation SynchronizeData /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_Corporate.model:Corporate Mgmt

Load Private Model Data from Staging Database

This example shows the LoadDataFromStaging operation, which loads consolidation model data to the Alpine_Ski_House application from the staging database.

PPSCmd.exe StagingDB /Operation LoadDataFromStaging /Server https://localhost:46787 /Path Alpine_Ski_House.ASH_Corporate.model:ConsolidationModel

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for PerformancePoint Planning Server.



Troubleshoot data integration