WorkflowAssociationCollection.GetByName method

Retrieves a specified workflow association by the association name.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Workflow
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll)


Public Function GetByName ( _
    name As String _
) As WorkflowAssociation
Dim instance As WorkflowAssociationCollection
Dim name As String
Dim returnValue As WorkflowAssociation

returnValue = instance.GetByName(name)
public WorkflowAssociation GetByName(
    string name


  • name
    Type: System.String

    The name of the workflow association to retrieve.

Return value

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Workflow.WorkflowAssociation
Returns WorkflowAssociation instance representing the retrieval of a specified workflow association by the association name.


All workflow association objects in the collection must have unique values for their name property

See also


WorkflowAssociationCollection class

WorkflowAssociationCollection members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Workflow namespace