SPSessionSecurityTokenCookieValue members

This object contains all the values found in the cookie.

The SPSessionSecurityTokenCookieValue type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPSessionSecurityTokenCookieValue



  Name Description
Public property AudienceUri The audience uri found in the cookie.
Public property AuthenticationValidFromUtc
Public property EncodingScheme The type of text encoding to use on the cookie value.
Public property Expires The expiry date for the security token issued that matches the cookie.
Public property IsPersistent Should the cookie be persistant or not?
Public property IssuerType
Public property IsValid Is the cookie valid?
Protected property Signature The signature found in the cookie.
Public property UserKey The user key found in the cookie.
Public property UserName The user name found in the cookie.
Public property Value The cookie value.



  Name Description
Protected method BuildCookieValue Builds the string that should be used as the cookie value.
Protected method BuildValueToSign Builds the string that should be signed.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetCookieItemCount Gets the number of coma seperated items in the cookie value.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Initialize(String) Initializes the object using a cookie value.
Public method Initialize(String, SPSessionSecurityTokenCookieValueOption) Initializes the object using a cookie value.
Public method Initialize(IClaimsIdentity, RequestSecurityToken, DateTime) Initializes the object using the security token service information.
Public method InitializeOutgoingValidFromTime
Public method LogString
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ParseAndValidateSignature
Protected method ParseAudienceUri
Protected method ParseCookieValue
Protected method ParseExpiry Parses the token expiry from it's text value into a proper DateTime.
Protected method ParsePersisted
Protected method Reset Resets all the fields in the cookie.
Protected method ResetCalculatedFields Resets the calculated fields in the object.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ValidateSignature


See also


SPSessionSecurityTokenCookieValue class

Microsoft.SharePoint.IdentityModel namespace