ReplicationFrequency Property

この機能は、将来のバージョンの Microsoft SQL Server では削除される予定です。新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションは修正することを検討してください。

The ReplicationFrequency property sets the method used to determine article publication.


.ReplicationFrequency [= value]


  • object
    An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
  • value
    A long integer that specifies article publication as described in Settings.

Data Type

Long, enumerated


Read/write when using the SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) object to create a publication.

Read-only when the object references an existing publication.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetReplicationFrequency(SQLDMO_REPFREQ_TYPE* pRetVal);
HRESULT SetReplicationFrequency(SQLDMO_REPFREQ_TYPE NewValue);


Constant Value Description



Log monitoring or another method is used to determine replicated article content.



The article is replicated at fixed times and is not dependent upon transaction log monitoring or other monitoring processes.



The value is not valid.


Microsoft SQL Server supports two types of transactional replication. In the first instance, data is replicated at fixed intervals regardless of any changes made to that data. This type of transactional replication is more often identified as snapshot replication, because the data is simply copied as it exists at a given moment. Transactional replication can also determine replicated values based on changes made to that data. By default, SQL Server replication monitors changes to the transaction log of a database to determine which values are replicated.

Setting the ReplicationFrequency property controls the type of transactional replication defined by the TransPublication object and is part of creating transactional and snapshot replication publications. For more information, see TransPublication Object.

Applies To:

TransPublication Object