DistributionArticle Object

この機能は、将来のバージョンの Microsoft SQL Server では削除される予定です。新しい開発作業では、この機能の使用を避け、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションは修正するようにしてください。

The DistributionArticle object exposes the properties of a Distributor's image of a replicated article.

現在のオブジェクトを表す SQL-DMO オブジェクト モデル


For snapshot and transactional replication, a replication Distributor maintains an image of the published article. The Distributor replicates the article image to Subscribers, enabling one type of replication load balancing.

There is no requirement that an instance of Microsoft SQL Server create the Distributor-maintained data image. Snapshot and transactional replication publications created on the Distributor enable one type of third-party, or heterogeneous, replication.

With the DistributionArticle object, you can:

  • Create an article in a heterogeneous replication publication.

  • Remove an article from a heterogeneous replication publication.


The DistributionArticle object is compatible with instances SQL Server version 7.0 and later. However, the DistributionArticle2 object extends the functionality of the DistributionArticle object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.

