Clone (MDStore Interface)


  この機能は、Microsoft SQL Server の次のバージョンで削除されます。 新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションはできるだけ早く修正してください。

The Clone method of the MDStore interface copies the property values and optionally the collections of major and minor objects of an existing object to a target object of the same class type.

Applies To:clsAggregation, clsCube, clsDatabase, clsPartition


object.Clone(ByVal TargetObject As MDStore, [ByVal Options As CloneOptions = cloneMajorChildren])


  • object
    The MDStore object whose property values and collections of major and minor objects are to be copied.

  • TargetObject
    An existing MDStore object.

  • Options
    One of the values of the CloneOptions enumeration. If no value is specified, the cloneMajorChildren option is used. For more information, see CloneOptions.


The Clone method, depending on the clone option specified in Options, copies properties and minor objects to a new MDStore object with the same ClassType property value.

