

  この機能は、Microsoft SQL Server の次のバージョンで削除されます。 新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションはできるだけ早く修正してください。

An object of the ClassType clsCubeMeasure provides a specific implementation of the Decision Support Objects (DSO) Measure interface. This object provides collections and properties through the Measure interface. There are no methods associated with an object of ClassType clsCubeMeasure.


A cube measure corresponds to a numeric column in a cube's fact table. When a cube is processed, its measures can be precalculated across its dimensions. For example, the number of items sold is a measure that can be precalculated across the dimensions of product, time, and geography.

For more information about the object model hierarchy, see Analysis Services Objects.


Use the following code to create an object of ClassType clsCubeMeasure:

'Assume an object (dsoCube) of ClassType clsCube exists
Dim dsoMeasure As DSO.Measure
Set dsoMeasure = dsoCube.Measures.AddNew("Salaries")
dsoMeasure.Description = "Employee salaries"
dsoMeasure.SourceColumn = """Employees"".""Salaries"""
dsoMeasure.SourceColumnType = adInteger
dsoMeasure.AggregateFunction = aggSum
dsoMeasure.FormatString = "#,###"