OpenQuoteChar (clsDataSource)


  この機能は、Microsoft SQL Server の次のバージョンで削除されます。 新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションはできるだけ早く修正してください。

The OpenQuoteChar property of an object of ClassType clsDataSource contains the left (opening) quote character used by the source database.

Data Type





To properly qualify a table or column name that contains white space, a data source may require the name be delimited or enclosed using a quote character. The quote character is generally specific to the data source or data source driver.


The following code specifies a FromClause for a dimension and uses the proper delimiter characters for the data source:

'Assume an object (dsoDimension) of
'ClassType clsDatabaseDimension exists and
'get the quoting characters from the data source
Dim sLQuote As String, sRQuote As String
sLQuote = dsoDimension.Datasource.OpenQuoteChar
sRQuote = dsoDimension.Datasource.CloseQuoteChar

'Set the comma-separated list of the dimension tables
dsoDimension.FromClause = sLQuote & "store" & sRQuote