Connect (clsServer)


  この機能は、Microsoft SQL Server の次のバージョンで削除されます。 新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションはできるだけ早く修正してください。

The Connect method of an object of ClassType clsServer connects to the Analysis server service (MSSQLServerOLAPService).


dsoServer.Connect([ByVal ServerName As String])


  • dsoServer
    A Decision Support Objects (DSO) server object.

  • ServerName
    The name of the computer on which the Analysis server is installed and running. You can use LocalHost to specify the Analysis server running on the same computer as your DSO application.


The Connect method sets the name of the server object. If you need to reconnect to the same server, do not specify the name on subsequent executions of the method on the same object.


  You cannot use an Internet Protocol (IP) address as the ServerName parameter to connect to a server. You must use the network name of the computer that hosts the Analysis server.


Use the following code example to connect to the Analysis server:

Public dsoServer As DSO.Server
Set dsoServer = New DSO.Server
'Assume "Server1" to be the name of the computer
'where the Analysis server service is installed and running.
dsoServer.Connect "Server1"  'Error is raised if unable to connect

