SnapshotGenerationAgent クラス

レプリケーション スナップショット エージェントの機能を提供します。

名前空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
アセンブリ:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication (Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.dll)


<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)> _
<GuidAttribute("141945FD-18BD-4222-B6D9-F937704C7FFE")> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class SnapshotGenerationAgent _
    Inherits AgentCore _
    Implements ISnapshotGenerationAgent
Dim instance As SnapshotGenerationAgent
public sealed class SnapshotGenerationAgent : AgentCore, 
public ref class SnapshotGenerationAgent sealed : public AgentCore, 
type SnapshotGenerationAgent =  
        inherit AgentCore
        interface ISnapshotGenerationAgent
public final class SnapshotGenerationAgent extends AgentCore implements ISnapshotGenerationAgent


SnapshotGenerationAgent クラスを使用すると、プログラムで直接スナップショット エージェントにアクセスできます。

SnapshotGenerationAgent クラスでは、次のレプリケーション タスクを実行するための機能がサポートされています。

  • 初期スナップショットを生成する。

  • パラメータ化されたフィルタに基づいて定義されるサブスクリプションのパーティション スナップショットを生成する。


この例では、トランザクション パブリケーションの標準のスナップショットを生成します。

            // Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
            string publicationName = "AdvWorksProductTran";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks";
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string distributorName = publisherInstance;

            SnapshotGenerationAgent agent;

                // Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
                agent = new SnapshotGenerationAgent();
                agent.Distributor = distributorName;
                agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
                agent.Publisher = publisherName;
                agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
                agent.Publication = publicationName;
                agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName;
                agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Transactional;

                // Start the agent synchronously.

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement custom application error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                    "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication."
                    , publicationName), ex);
' Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksProductTran"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim distributorName As String = publisherInstance

Dim agent As SnapshotGenerationAgent

    ' Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
    agent = New SnapshotGenerationAgent()
    agent.Distributor = distributorName
    agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publisher = publisherName
    agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publication = publicationName
    agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName
    agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Transactional

    ' Start the agent synchronously.

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement custom application error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
     "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication." _
     , publicationName), ex)
End Try

この例では、マージ パブリケーションの標準のスナップショットを生成します。

// Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
string publicationName = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge";
string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks";
string publisherName = publisherInstance;
string distributorName = publisherInstance;

SnapshotGenerationAgent agent;

    // Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
    agent = new SnapshotGenerationAgent();
    agent.Distributor = distributorName;
    agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
    agent.Publisher = publisherName;
    agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
    agent.Publication = publicationName;
    agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName;
    agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Merge;

    // Start the agent synchronously.

catch (Exception ex)
    // Implement custom application error handling here.
    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
        "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication."
        , publicationName), ex);
' Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim distributorName As String = publisherInstance

Dim agent As SnapshotGenerationAgent

    ' Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
    agent = New SnapshotGenerationAgent()
    agent.Distributor = distributorName
    agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publisher = publisherName
    agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publication = publicationName
    agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName
    agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Merge

    ' Start the agent synchronously.

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement custom application error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
     "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication." _
     , publicationName), ex)
End Try

この例では、HOST_NAME 関数をオーバーロードして、フィルタが適用されたデータ スナップショットを生成します。このスナップショットはパラメータ化されたフィルタを持つマージ パブリケーションのサブスクリプションに対するものです。

            // Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
            string publicationName = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks";
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string distributorName = publisherInstance;

            SnapshotGenerationAgent agent;

                // Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
                agent = new SnapshotGenerationAgent();
                agent.Distributor = distributorName;
                agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
                agent.Publisher = publisherName;
                agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
                agent.Publication = publicationName;
                agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName;
                agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Merge;

                // Specify the partition information to generate a 
                // filtered snapshot based on Hostname.
                agent.DynamicFilterHostName = hostname;

                // Start the agent synchronously.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement custom application error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                    "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication."
                    , publicationName), ex);
' Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks"
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim distributorName As String = publisherInstance

Dim agent As SnapshotGenerationAgent

    ' Set the required properties for Snapshot Agent.
    agent = New SnapshotGenerationAgent()
    agent.Distributor = distributorName
    agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publisher = publisherName
    agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated
    agent.Publication = publicationName
    agent.PublisherDatabase = publicationDbName
    agent.ReplicationType = ReplicationType.Merge

    ' Specify the partition information to generate a 
    ' filtered snapshot based on Hostname.
    agent.DynamicFilterHostName = hostname

    ' Start the agent synchronously.
Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement custom application error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
     "A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication." _
     , publicationName), ex)
End Try


System. . :: . .Object
  System. . :: . .MarshalByRefObject
    Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication. . :: . .AgentCore

スレッド セーフ

この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) のメンバーはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバーの場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。