CachePropertyChanges プロパティ

レプリケーション プロパティに加えられた変更をキャッシュするか、またはすぐに適用するかを取得します。値の設定も可能です。

名前空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
アセンブリ:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public Property CachePropertyChanges As Boolean
Dim instance As ReplicationObject
Dim value As Boolean

value = instance.CachePropertyChanges

instance.CachePropertyChanges = value
public bool CachePropertyChanges { get; set; }
property bool CachePropertyChanges {
    bool get ();
    void set (bool value);
member CachePropertyChanges : bool with get, set
function get CachePropertyChanges () : boolean
function set CachePropertyChanges (value : boolean)


型: System. . :: . .Boolean
Boolean 値です。true の場合、プロパティの変更はキャッシュされます。false の場合、プロパティの変更はすぐに適用されます。


CachePropertyChanges の値が false の場合、プロパティの変更は、ServerConnection オブジェクトの SqlExecutionModes プロパティに従って、すぐに設定されます。値を true に設定すると、プロパティの変更は、CommitPropertyChanges が呼び出されるまでキャッシュされます。CommitPropertyChanges が呼び出されると、CachePropertyChanges の後で加えられたすべてのプロパティ変更が、SqlExecutionModes プロパティに従って設定されます。

キャッシュは、MicrosoftSQL Server に格納されたプロパティにのみ適用されます。

CachePropertyChanges の既定値は false です。

このプロパティは、SQL Server 7.0、SQL Server 2000、および SQL Server 2005 で使用できます。

この名前空間、クラス、またはメンバは、.NET Framework 2.0 でのみサポートされています。


           // Define the server, database, and publication names
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string publicationName = "AdvWorksProductTran";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks";

            TransPublication publication;

            // Create a connection to the Publisher.
            ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);

                // Connect to the Publisher.

                // Set the required properties for the publication.
                publication = new TransPublication();
                publication.ConnectionContext = conn;
                publication.Name = publicationName;
                publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;

                // Explicitly enable caching of property changes on this object.
                publication.CachePropertyChanges = true;

                // If we can't get the properties for this publication, 
                // throw an application exception.
                if (publication.LoadProperties())
                    // Enable support for push subscriptions and disable support 
                    // for pull subscriptions.
                    if ((publication.Attributes & PublicationAttributes.AllowPull) != 0)
                        publication.Attributes ^= PublicationAttributes.AllowPull;
                    if ((publication.Attributes & PublicationAttributes.AllowPush) == 0)
                        publication.Attributes |= PublicationAttributes.AllowPush;

                    // Send changes to the server.
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                        "Settings could not be retrieved for the publication. " +
                        "Ensure that the publication {0} exists on {1}.",
                        publicationName, publisherName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Do error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "The publication property could not be changed.", ex);
' Define the server, database, and publication names
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksProductTran"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks"

Dim publication As TransPublication

' Create a connection to the Publisher.
Dim conn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)

    ' Connect to the Publisher.

    ' Set the required properties for the publication.
    publication = New TransPublication()
    publication.ConnectionContext = conn
    publication.Name = publicationName
    publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName

    ' Explicitly enable caching of property changes on this object.
    publication.CachePropertyChanges = True

    ' If we can't get the properties for this publication, 
    ' throw an application exception.
    If publication.LoadProperties() Then
        ' Enable support for push subscriptions and disable support 
        ' for pull subscriptions.
        If (publication.Attributes And PublicationAttributes.AllowPull) <> 0 Then
            publication.Attributes = publication.Attributes _
            Xor PublicationAttributes.AllowPull
        End If
        If (publication.Attributes And PublicationAttributes.AllowPush) = 0 Then
            publication.Attributes = publication.Attributes _
            Or PublicationAttributes.AllowPush
        End If

        ' Send changes to the server.
        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
         "Settings could not be retrieved for the publication. " + _
         "Ensure that the publication {0} exists on {1}.", _
         publicationName, publisherName))
    End If
Catch ex As Exception
    ' Do error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException( _
        "The publication property could not be changed.", ex)
End Try