Application.LoadFromSqlServer メソッド

サーバー名、ユーザー名、およびパスワードを指定することによって、SQL Server からパッケージを読み込みます。

名前空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
アセンブリ:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll)


Public Function LoadFromSqlServer ( _
    packagePath As String, _
    serverName As String, _
    serverUserName As String, _
    serverPassword As String, _
    events As IDTSEvents _
) As Package
Dim instance As Application 
Dim packagePath As String 
Dim serverName As String 
Dim serverUserName As String 
Dim serverPassword As String 
Dim events As IDTSEvents 
Dim returnValue As Package 

returnValue = instance.LoadFromSqlServer(packagePath, _
    serverName, serverUserName, serverPassword, _
public Package LoadFromSqlServer(
    string packagePath,
    string serverName,
    string serverUserName,
    string serverPassword,
    IDTSEvents events
Package^ LoadFromSqlServer(
    String^ packagePath, 
    String^ serverName, 
    String^ serverUserName, 
    String^ serverPassword, 
    IDTSEvents^ events
member LoadFromSqlServer : 
        packagePath:string * 
        serverName:string * 
        serverUserName:string * 
        serverPassword:string * 
        events:IDTSEvents -> Package
public function LoadFromSqlServer(
    packagePath : String, 
    serverName : String, 
    serverUserName : String, 
    serverPassword : String, 
    events : IDTSEvents
) : Package


  • packagePath
    型: System.String
  • serverName
    型: System.String
    パッケージの読み込み元となる SQL Server のインスタンスの名前です。
  • serverUserName
    型: System.String
  • serverPassword
    型: System.String


型: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package


次のコード例では、以前ファイル システムに保存されたサンプル パッケージを読み込みます。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

namespace LoadFromSQLServerTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The variable, pkg, points to the location
            // of the ExecuteProcess sample installed with
            // the SSIS package samples.
            string pkg = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx";
            Application app = new Application();
            Package loadedPkg = app.LoadPackage(pkg, null);

            // Save the package to SQL Server.
            app.SaveToSqlServer(loadedPkg, null, "yourserver", null, null);

            // The package can now be viewed in the 
            // Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in the 
            // Integration Services / Stored Packages / MSDB folder,
            // with a name of UsingExecuteProcess.
            Package pkgIn = new Package();
            pkgIn = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\\UsingExecuteProcess", "yourserver", null, null, null);
            DateTime pkgCreation = pkgIn.CreationDate;
            Console.WriteLine("Creation Date = {0}", pkgCreation);
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Namespace LoadFromSQLServerTest
    Class Program
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' The variable, pkg, points to the location
            ' of the ExecuteProcess sample installed with
            ' the SSIS package samples.
            Dim pkg As String =  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx" 
            Dim app As Application =  New Application() 
            Dim loadedPkg As Package =  app.LoadPackage(pkg,Nothing) 
            ' Save the package to SQL Server.
            app.SaveToSqlServer(loadedPkg, Nothing, "yourserver", Nothing, Nothing)
            ' The package can now be viewed in the 
            ' Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in the 
            ' Integration Services / Stored Packages / MSDB folder,
            ' with a name of UsingExecuteProcess.
            Dim pkgIn As Package = New Package() 
            pkgIn = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\\UsingExecuteProcess", "yourserver", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
            Dim pkgCreation As DateTime =  pkgIn.CreationDate 
            Console.WriteLine("Creation Date = {0}", pkgCreation)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


Creation Date = 5/5/2003 5:46:00 PM



Application クラス

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime 名前空間