Two SequencingBehavior operators are available for behavior composition: Loose
sequencing and Tight
Syntax Definition
SequencingBehavior ::= Behavior -> Behavior | Behavior ; Behavior /*right-assoc*/ .
sequencing, B1 -> B2
, denotes the set of traces which start with B1, followed by arbitrary actions from the context signature, then concluded with B2. It can be syntactically reduced to B1; ... ; B2
. The offered signature is the context signature.
sequencing, B1 ; B2
, denotes the set of traces obtained by concatenating the traces of B1 to those of B2. The offered signature is the union of the signatures of the operands.
Sequencing operators are right-associative.
The following Cord code shows the use of the SequencingBehavior operators. This code is extracted from the stand-alone Operators
sample (see Finding the Code Samples).
machine TightSequence() : AllActivities
Party; NoParty
machine LooseSequence() : AllActivities
Party -> NoParty
In machine TightSequence
, the Tight SequencingBehavior operator (;) constructs the set of traces obtained by concatenating the traces of the first operand to those of the second one.The second behavior is appended at all accepting states.
In machine LooseSequence
, the Loose SequencingBehavior operator (->) allows an arbitrary number of actions from the context signature to occur between its first and its second operand. The second behavior is appended at all accepting states.