How to: Reference Assemblies in Text Templates

You can add an assemblydirective to text templates. This enables you to specify assemblies that you want to use in those text templates. You can add your own assembly to a text template and use types and members from within it. For more information, see Directive Syntax (Domain-Specific Languages).

To add an assembly to a text template

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the text template file that you want to edit, and then click Open.

    The file opens in the editor.

  2. Add the following directive to the template:

    <#@ assembly name = "C:\Assemblies\Assembly.dll" #>


      You can either specify a strong name for assemblies in the global assembly cache or you can specify a fully qualified path to the assembly's file name.

    Here is an example of how to specify a strong name:

  3. To access the assembly, add code that is similar to the following:



    In this example, Class1 is a type that is defined in the assembly Assembly.dll.


    To debug text templates, you must set the debug parameter of the template directive. For more information, see How to: Debug Text Templates.


For more information, see Security of Text Templates.

See Also


Using Built-in Directives in Text Templates

Adding Code to Text Templates

Generating Artifacts Using Text Templates

Walkthrough: Using an Assembly in a Text Template