AssemblyReferenceNode Members

A node in the project hierarchy that represents a managed assembly reference. It represents one of the assembly nodes under the References node of a project in Solution Explorer.

The AssemblyReferenceNode type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AssemblyReferenceNode Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyReferenceNode class.



  Name Description
Public method AddChild Adds a hierarchy node as a child node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method AddItemToHierarchy Adds a new item to the hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method AddNewFolder Adds a new folder to the project hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method AddReference Adds a reference to the project. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method AdviseHierarchyEvents Establishes client notification of hierarchy events. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method AfterSaveItemAs Saves an item after the SaveAs dialog box has been processed. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method AllowPasteCommand Specifies whether a node can be pasted. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method BindReferenceData Links an assembly reference node to the project hierarchy by constructing a new project element node, if necessary, and setting the name and path of the project element node. (Overrides ReferenceNode.BindReferenceData().)
Protected method CanAddReference Determines whether or not a reference can be added. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Protected method CanDeleteItem Determines whether or not a node can be deleted in the supplied manner. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Protected method CanShowDefaultIcon Checks whether an AssemblyReferenceNode is valid so that it can be shown with the default reference icon. (Overrides HierarchyNode.CanShowDefaultIcon().)
Public method Close Closes and cleans up a hierarchy after the environment determines that it is no longer used. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method CloseDocumentWindow Closes an open document window for a specific node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method CopyToClipboard Copies a node to the clipboard. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method CreatePropertiesObject (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Protected method CutToClipboard Cuts a node and puts it on the clipboard. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method DeleteFromStorage Deletes the file at the specified path from storage. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method DeleteItem Handles the deletion or removal of a hierarchy item. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method DisableCmdInCurrentMode Disables commands when Visual Studio is in run or break mode. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method DisableCommandOnNodesThatDoNotSupportMultiSelection Specifies commands for which multi-select does not work and should be disabled. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method DisplayContextMenu Shows the shortcut menu for the specified nodes. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method DoDefaultAction Performs the default event in the hierarchy. This is typically called when a user either presses ENTER or double-clicks the item. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method DragEnter Called when the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method DragLeave Called when one or more items are dragged out of the hierarchy or hierarchy window, or when the drag-and-drop operation is canceled or completed. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method DragOver Called when one or more items are dragged over the target hierarchy or hierarchy window. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Drop Called when one or more items are dropped into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window when the mouse button is released. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ExcludeFromProject Excludes a node from the project. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method Exec Executes the specified non-UI command or displays help for a command. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method ExecCommand Executes the specified command on the specified item in a UI hierarchy window, or on the hierarchy itself. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ExecCommandIndependentOfSelection Executes commands that do not depend on what is selected. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ExecCommandOnNode Executes the supplied command on this node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Protected method ExecCommandThatDependsOnSelectedNodes Handles execution of a command that is executed on a set of nodes. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method Finalize Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindChildByProjectElement Finds a non-virtual hierarchy element (a node with a build item) by its project element. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetAddFileFlags Gets flags that specify how files are added to a project. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetAutomationObject Gets the automation object associated with the node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method GetCanonicalName Overloaded.
Protected method GetDocumentManager Gets the document manager for this node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetDragTargetHandlerNode Gets the node that should handle drag-and-drop operations. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetDropInfo Returns information about one or more of the items being dragged. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetEditLabel Gets the (editable) name of the node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method GetGuidProperty Overloaded.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetIconHandle Gets the appropriate icon handle for this node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method GetMkDocument Gets the absolute path of the node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method GetNestedHierarchy When overridden in a derived class, gets the nested hierarchy element that is specified by the item ID. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetProperty Overloaded.
Protected method GetQueryAddFileFlags Sets the flags to be used to add the specified set of files. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetQueryRemoveFileFlags Sets the flags to be used to removed the specified files. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetRelationalName Gets the relational name. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetRelationNameExtension Gets the extension that is associated with a relational name. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetRemoveFileFlags Gets flags that specify how files are added to a project. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetSccFiles Provides a list of files and their associated flags for source code control. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method GetSccSpecialFiles Provides a list of special files and their associated flags for source code control. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetService Gets the service of the specified type, if it is available. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetSite Gets the service provider from which to access the services. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IgnoreItemFileChanges Overloaded.
Protected method InternalExecCommand The main entry point for command execution. It is called from the IVsUIHierarchy and IOleCommandTarget execution methods. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method IsAlreadyAdded Checks whether an AssemblyReferenceNode has already been added. (Overrides ReferenceNode.IsAlreadyAdded().)
Public method IsItemDirty Determines whether the supplied item has changed. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method IsItemReloadable Overloaded.
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method OnBeforeDropNotify Notifies the source hierarchy that information dragged from it is about to be dropped on a target. This method is called immediately after the mouse button is released on a drop. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnDropNotify Notifies clients that the dragged item was dropped. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnInvalidateItems Notifies clients when changes are made to the item inventory of a hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnItemAdded Notifies clients when an item is added to the hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnItemDeleted Notifies clients when an item is deleted from the hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnItemsAppended Notifies clients when items are appended to the end of the hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method OnPropertyChanged Notifies clients when one or more properties of an item have changed. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method ParseCanonicalName Returns the identifier of the hierarchy item, given its canonical name. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method PasteFromClipboard Pastes an item from the clipboard. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method PrepareSelectedNodesForClipBoard Prepares a selection for cutting, copying, or dragging by converting it to a string. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method QueryClose Determines whether the given hierarchy can be closed. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method QueryDeleteItem Called by the environment to determine whether the hierarchy supports item deletion, item removal, or both. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method QueryStatus Queries the object for the status of one or more commands that are generated by user interface events. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method QueryStatusCommand Queries the object for the command status. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method QueryStatusCommandFromOleCommandTarget Handles menus that originate from IOleCommandTarget. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method QueryStatusOnNode Gets the status of the supplied command for this node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Protected method QueryStatusSelection Queries for the command status on the selected nodes. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method QueryStatusSelectionOnNodes Queries the selected nodes for the command status. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method ReDraw Redraws the node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method RegisterClipboardNotifications Registers and un-registers clipboard events for the Solution Explorer. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method ReloadItem Overloaded.
Public method Remove Removes items from the hierarchy. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method RemoveChild Removes a child node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ResolveReference Sets the Url and ResolvedAssembly() properties if either the strong or the weak assembly name can be resolved. (Overrides ReferenceNode.ResolveReference().)
Public method SaveItem Saves the hierarchy item to disk. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method SetEditLabel Overloaded.
Public method SetGuidProperty Overloaded.
Public method SetProperty Overloaded.
Public method SetSite Sets the service provider from which to access the services. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ShowContextMenu Shows the specified shortcut menu at the specified location. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ShowInDesigner Handles the Show in Designer command. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method ShowObjectBrowser Displays the Object Browser and navigates to the current node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public method ToString Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnadviseHierarchyEvents Disables client notification of hierarchy events. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Unused0 Adds new methods without recompiling or breaking binary compatibility. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Unused1 Adds new methods without recompiling or breaking binary compatibility. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Unused2 Adds new methods without recompiling or breaking binary compatibility. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Unused3 Adds new methods without recompiling or breaking binary compatibility. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public method Unused4 Adds new methods without recompiling or breaking binary compatibility. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected method UpdateSccStateIcons Redraws the source code control state icons of the node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)



  Name Description
Public property CanExecuteCommand Checks whether a node can execute a command if it is in a selection. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property Caption Gets a value for the caption of the assembly reference node. (Overrides ReferenceNode.Caption.)
Public property DocCookie Gets or sets the ID of the associated file. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ExcludeNodeFromScc Gets or sets whether a node should be excluded from source code control. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property FirstChild Gets or sets the first child hierarchy node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property HasDesigner Gets or sets whether the hierarchy node has a designer associated with it. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property HasParentNodeNameRelation Defines whether a node has a name relation to its parent node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ID Gets the hierarchy node ID. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ImageIndex Gets the index of the associated image. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property IsExpanded Gets or sets whether the hierarchy node is in the expanded state. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ItemNode Gets or sets the associated project element node, which represents the build item. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected property ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied Gets the list of nodes that are selected for a drag, cut, or copy operation. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ItemTypeGuid Gets the GUID of the item type for a reference node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public property LastChild Gets and sets the last child node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property MenuCommandId Gets the context menu command ID associated with this node. (Inherited from ReferenceNode.)
Public property NameRelationSeparator Gets the name relation separator. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property NextSibling Gets or sets the next sibling node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property NodeProperties Gets and sets the node properties of this node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property OleServiceProvider Gets the OLE service provider for this node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property Parent Gets or sets the parent node of this element. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property PreviousSibling Gets or sets the node that immediately precedes this hierarchy node element. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property ProjectMgr Gets or sets the root element for this hierarchy node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property SortPriority Gets the default sort priority of this node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Protected property SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied Gets and sets whether there are items to be dragged, cut, or copied. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property StateIconIndex Gets the source code control state icon for a file. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)
Public property Url Gets the path of the assembly reference node. (Overrides ReferenceNode.Url.)
Public property VirtualNodeName The name of a virtual node. (Inherited from HierarchyNode.)


See Also


AssemblyReferenceNode Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package Namespace