
This interface enables an expression evaluator (EE) to display a property's value in whatever format is necessary.

IDebugCustomViewer : IUknown

Notes for Implementers

An EE implements this interface to display a property's value in a custom format.

Notes for Callers

A call to COM's CoCreateInstance function instantiates this interface. The CLSID passed to CoCreateInstance is obtained from the registry. A call to IDebugProperty3::GetCustomViewerList obtains the location in the registry. See Remarks for details as well as the Example.

Methods in Vtable Order

This interface implements the following method:




Does whatever is necessary to display a given value.


This interface is used when a property's value cannot be displayed by normal means—for example, with a data table or another complex property type. A custom viewer, as represented by the IDebugCustomViewer interface, is different from a type visualizer, which is an external program for displaying data of a specific type regardless of the EE. The EE implements a custom viewer that is specific to that EE. A user selects which type of visualizer to use, be it a type visualizer or a custom viewer. See Visualizing and Viewing Data for details on this process.

A custom viewer is registered in the same way as an EE and, therefore, requires a language GUID and a vendor GUID. The exact metric (or registry entry name) is known only to the EE. This metric is returned in the DEBUG_CUSTOM_VIEWER structure, which in turn is returned by a call to IDebugProperty3::GetCustomViewerList. The value stored in the metric is the CLSID that is passed to COM's CoCreateInstance function (see the Example).

The Debugger SDK Helpers function, SetEEMetric, can be used to register a custom viewer. See the "Expression Evaluators" registry section of Debugging SDK Helpers for the specific registry keys that a custom viewer needs. Note that a custom viewer needs only one metric (which is defined by the EE's implementer) whereas an expression evaluator requires several predefined metrics.

Normally, a custom viewer provides a read-only view of the data, since the IDebugProperty3 interface supplied to IDebugCustomViewer::DisplayValue has no methods for changing the property's value except as a string. In order to support changing arbitrary blocks of data, the EE implements a custom interface on the same object that implements the IDebugProperty3 interface. This custom interface would then provide the methods needed to change an arbitrary block of data.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll


This example shows how to get the first custom viewer from a property if that property has any custom viewers.

IDebugCustomViewer *GetFirstCustomViewer(IDebugProperty2 *pProperty)
    // This string is typically defined globally.  For this example, it
    // is defined here.
    static const WCHAR strRegistrationRoot[] = L"Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\8.0Exp";
    IDebugCustomViewer *pViewer = NULL;
    if (pProperty != NULL) {
        CComQIPtr<IDebugProperty3> pProperty3(pProperty);
        if (pProperty3 != NULL) {
            HRESULT hr;
            ULONG viewerCount = 0;
            hr = pProperty3->GetCustomViewerCount(&viewerCount);
            if (viewerCount > 0) {
                ULONG viewersFetched = 0;
                DEBUG_CUSTOM_VIEWER viewerInfo = { 0 };
                hr = pProperty3->GetCustomViewerList(0,
                if (viewersFetched == 1) {
                    CLSID clsidViewer = { 0 };
                    CComPtr<IDebugCustomViewer> spCustomViewer;
                    // Get the viewer's CLSID from the registry.
                    if (!IsEqualGUID(clsidViewer,GUID_NULL)) {
                        // Instantiate the custom viewer.
                        if (spCustomViewer != NULL) {
                            pViewer = spCustomViewer.Detach();

See Also


Core Interfaces


Debugger SDK Helpers
