Implementing SendBoundEvent

When a breakpoint is successfully bound to a location in a program, it is necessary to notify the session debug manager (SDM). This is done with the IDebugBreakpointBoundEvent2 interface, which supplies a list of all bound breakpoints associated with the pending breakpoint. In TextInterpreter, there will only ever be a single bound breakpoint, but an enumeration is still required. The helper method CPendingBreakpoint::SendBoundEvent hides the relative complexity of creating an enumeration, populating it, and sending it as part of an event object to the SDM.

To create SendBoundEvent

  1. In Class View, right-click the CPendingBreakpoint class and click Add Function to add a function with the Function name SendBoundEvent, a Return type of void, and the following parameter (click Add before clicking Finish):

    Parameter type

    Parameter name

    IDebugBoundBreakpoint2 *


  2. Open the Breakpoint.cpp file and insert the following bold line after the last #include:

    #include "Breakpoint.h"
    #include "EventBase.h" 
  3. In Breakpoint.cpp, find CPendingBreakpoint::SendBoundEvent and add the following bold lines to the method:

    void CPendingBreakpoint::SendBoundEvent(IDebugBoundBreakpoint2 * pBoundBP)
        CComObject<CEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints>* pBoundEnum; 
        IDebugBoundBreakpoint2* rgpBoundBP[] = { pBoundBP }; 
        pBoundEnum->Init(rgpBoundBP, &(rgpBoundBP[1]), NULL, AtlFlagCopy); 
        CBreakpointBoundEvent* pBoundEvent = 
             new CBreakpointBoundEvent(pBoundEnum, this); 
        pBoundEvent->SendEvent(m_spCallback, m_spEngine, NULL, NULL); 
  4. Build the project to make sure there are no errors.

See Also


Implementing IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::Bind