This interface represents a process running on a port. If the port is the local port, then IDebugProcess2 usually represents a physical process on the local machine.
IDebugProcess2 : IUnknown
Notes for Implementers
This interface is implemented by a custom port supplier to manage programs as a group. This interface must be implemented by the port supplier.
A debug engine also implements this interface if it supports launching a program through IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended.
Notes for Callers
This interface is called primarily by the session debug manager (SDM) in order to interact with a group of programs identified in this process.
Call IDebugProgram2::GetProcess or IDebugPort2::GetProcess to get this interface. This interface is also returned by calling IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended.
Methods in Vtable Order
The following table shows the methods of IDebugProcess2.
Method |
Description |
Gets a description of the process. |
Enumerates the programs that are contained in this process. |
Gets the title, friendly name, or file name of the process. |
Gets the instance of a machine server this process is running on. |
Terminates the process. |
Attaches to the process. |
Determines if the SDM can detach the process. |
Detaches the debugger from the process. |
Gets the system process identifier. |
Gets a globally unique identifier for this process. |
IDebugProcess2::GetAttachedSessionName [DEPRECATED] |
Gets the name of the session that is debugging the process. [DEPRECATED. SHOULD ALWAYS RETURN E_NOTIMPL.] |
Enumerates the threads running in the process. |
Requests that the next program running code in this process stop. |
Gets the port that this process is running on. |
An IDebugProcess2 contains one or more IDebugProgram2 interfaces.
Header: Msdbg.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll