Other Registration Methods

Help collections must be registered before a user can view them. The recommended method of deployment is to use Windows Installer custom actions provided in merge modules. However, if it is impractical to build a setup during the development phase of your product, consider using one of the following alternative registration mechanisms.


Some methods might have limitations; read each section for a description.

The following information assumes a working knowledge of Help 2.x registration concepts, including namespaces and titles. For more information, see Microsoft Help 2 Registration in the Microsoft Help Authoring Guide.

Help Project Properties

Each Microsoft Help project uses a default namespace and title ID for registration when the project is opened from the Start command of the Debug menu. The namespace defaults to the project name, without an extension, but can be changed to more accurately reflect the organization of your Help. For example, it could be the name of a software application or product line.

Help Registration Tool (HxReg.exe)

The HxReg command-line utility can be used to register namespace and titles. HxReg does not register plug-ins or filters. For more information, see HxReg.exe in the Microsoft Help Authoring Guide.

Sample usage:

// Register the MS.HelpIntegrDemo.1033 namespace.
HxReg.exe –n MS.HelpIntegrDemo.1033 –c helpdemo.hxc –d "Help Integration Demo Collection"
// Register HelpDemo.HxS in the MS.HelpIntegrDemo.1033 namespace.
HxReg.exe –n MS.HelpIntegrDemo.1033 –i HelpDemoproject –s HelpDemo.HxS –l 1033

Namespace Utility Sample

The Namespace utility displays detailed information about all locally registered Help content by using an Explorer-style interface. The Namespace utility can be used to register namespaces, titles, plug-ins, and filters.

By default, the unsupported Namespace tool is installed to Program Files\Microsoft Help 2.0 SDK\Unsupported Tools. To use the Namespace utility, start Namespace.exe.


This application is not Unicode-enabled.

See Also


Microsoft Help 2 Registration